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Kingdom of Ellania, two years ago.

He marched through the streets of the city, heading back to the castle, a wide, delighted smile on his face. It was spring again and, as the king had promised right after their return from Saria, the day with it where he would be appointed commander of the army. But that wasn't the reason for his sheer happiness or, at least, the only reason. Xander touched his pocket as if to make sure the two wrapped-up little boxes were still in there.

By reaching the keep, he started searching for his trusted companion. The training was over for the day. Christoph would probably be having lunch or exchanging sweet words with one of the maids. The man was a fierce womanizer, and Xander had long warned him that if he ever caught him as much as glancing towards Lila, he would cut his balls off. But the truth was, he knew him better than to believe he would ever go behind his back.

As predicted, he found him flirting in the gardens with one of the queen's handmaidens. When he approached them, the girl blushed and curtsied at him, while Christoph formally bowed his head. "Sir Xander."

"Sir Christoph." He bowed back. "We have a matter to discuss." At hearing these words, the girl curtsied again and left in a hurry. Christoph watched her depart for a few minutes before turning over to him.

"I hope you have a good reason for destroying my chances at happiness." He glared at Xander, who returned a mocking smile.

"You will survive." He took one little box out of his pocket. "I need your opinion on this."

Christoph immediately understood what his eagerness was all about. He became radiant, crushing Xander in his arms. "You are going to ask her? Congratulations, my friend, I am so happy for you!" He stepped back and took a more wicked expression, dropping his voice. "Finally. You are the only one in the castle who is not dancing in the sheets..."

Xander glared at him. "Silence, you fool! We are soldiers! What if something happened to me before we got married? I can't compromise her honor like that!"

"I am sure she doesn't mind..." Christoph let his words out with a wolfish smile.

Xander was fuming. "Yes, but I do." He opened the box revealing the ring. "What do you think?"

Christoph shrugged. "It's beautiful. But even if you gave her a ring of glass, Lila would love it. The girl is crazy about you."

A smugness appeared on Xander's face, only to be replaced quickly with gloominess as a thought flashed through his mind. "Unfortunately, I have to announce it to my parents first."


Half an hour later, he was knocking on the door of his parents' chambers. A melodic "come in" reached him from inside. His mother. He entered with confidence and shut the door behind him. They were both seated outside on the huge balcony, enjoying their tea. He reached them in a few strides. They turned their heads to face him, a kind smile resting on his mother's face. "My son, what a pleasant surprise!" She gestured for him to join them. "We rarely spent time with you, my boy." A hint of sadness covered her words.

"Leave him alone, Helen!" The strict tone of his father made his mother flinch. Xander made a mental note to never talk to his wife like that. "He is not some youngling to be running around your skirts! He is a knight of the king's guard and about to be appointed commander of his army in two weeks! The youngest to obtain this position ever!" The pride was evident as he spoke.

"About that," Xander, still standing, intervened before the conversation could take a different turn. "I have some news to share."

His father seemed to worry. "Is there something wrong? Has the king changed his mind?" Sometimes, it seemed, this was all he cared about.

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