A Solitary Summer

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Alexander King

Zeus ran like he was high on cocaine through the dog park, his tongue lolling out of his grinning mouth. He was more horse than dog. Loki was more of a trotter, he didn't run and he sometimes looked at Zeus and I swear he rolled his eyes.

He was the smartest damn dog I had ever met, not like I met a lot of them.

I didn't want a dog to begin with but when Jada and Aiden bought Zeus and he got too big for the house and the kids, I took him so he wouldn't have to go to an animal shelter. I thought I would be able to take care of him myself but that changed when I realised how hyper and affectionate he was. Meeting Oaklee was the best day of my life, and Zeus'.

A light breeze blew energetically through the full and green trees, it cooled down the blistering heat the sun was casting down on us. The dog park was busy today, that was bad all together and I regretted asking Oaklee to come to the dog park.

Other dogs ran scared of Zeus, like he was a monster that would trample and eat them if they got too close while Loki ignored everyone, basically growling if a dog tried to play with him.

He kept looking back at the brunette beside me, making sure she was okay. Her eyes flittered nervously and she was walking uneasily, like she was getting ready to run if someone so much as looked in her direction.

I knew it was a bad idea as soon as we stepped foot in the dog park but I so desperately wanted to follow the pasts footsteps, things we did together, to try and get her to remember. This dog park was an important play in our summer last year.

As couples, groups and lonely walkers went past, they smiled and tried to strike up a conversation, make a comment about the warm weather or our dogs.

"Amazing day, isn't it?" A man holding another man's hand commented, smiling widely while he looked between the two of us.

I heard the hitch in Oaklee's breath and I knew it wouldn't be long until she started to hyperventilate. Subtly, I guided her half behind, stepping forward so I was covering her whole body.

"It's really nice today." I replied lowly, glancing up at the clear blue sky.

Oaklee breathed in deeply and I could feel the anxiety rolling off her in waves.

"Have a nice day." I say quickly, holding my hand up in parting before pressing my hand to the small of her back and guiding her away from bodies. "It's okay Oak, you're okay. Just listen to my voice. It's Alex."

Anxiety and confusion swirled in her brown eyes as she looked up at me, her breathing uneven and a frown downturning her lips. "How- why?"

"It's okay, just get your breathing under control before you speak. In and out. In and out. That's it. You're doing great, Oak." I cooed softly, a small smile gracing my lips when her uneven breathing slowed and became steady and regular.

I could still calm her down even though we didn't have the love and connection we used to.

"How...?" She panted lightly, staring up at me in shock.

"I know you can't talk to people so I take over. I look after you, Oak." I smile while looking down on her. She really is tiny.

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