Will of the King. 1

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"Your Highness. His Royal Majesty, King Russel requests your presence effective immediately—-"

"You can just say my father wants to see me, Felipe. Tell him I'm on the way." I say without turning away from the view in my balcony, but I can almost see Felipe shake his head in disapproval.
But he doesn't move, he just keeps standing there.

"I said I'm coming." I say, finally turning around to face him, and he stares at me from the bottom of his nose like he's royalty.
He might as well be though, Felipe has been in the castle just as long as my dad. From being his manservant to a knight, and now The Royal Steward to my father.
My father.
The King.

"Very well, your highness. As you wish." He says and bows, then walks out, his perfectly groomed full head of white hair looking sharper in the daylight. Sometimes it amazes me that I had watched that hair go from chocolate brown to white growing up in this castle.

This castle.

I sigh deeply, turning back to the view of the kingdom, the blue skies over the wide green landscapes, way beyond the kingdom walls and way, way beyond this castle.
Where the horses and livestock are taken to feed, and beyond that is the sand...golden insight, right next to the deep blue sea.
But from the kingdom walls, the vegetable and fruit market is in sight, the cobblers, the meat men, the fishermen, the jeweler, The Little school of Nirvania,......

All to be under my complete control soon.

No second option, no choices, no time...

*knock knock knock*
"My Prince, I have been informed by Felipe to get you ready to meet His Royal Majesty, The King."
Caspian, my manservant, says from outside my door and I draw my eyes away from the kingdom to head for the door.

Dreading the idea of seeing my father again after our fight days ago......


"You should do more listening than talking this time." Caspian says, adjusting my belt from behind and I glare at him through the mirror.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He's sick, Prince Alexander." He says, giving me a pointed stare and I roll my eyes.

"He's got a fever. He'll come off it soon enough, and next thing you know he's disturbing my life——"

"You haven't seen him." He cuts me off, standing up straight and this time I turn to face him.

"Caspian," I warn and he sighs.

"My Prince, the King is very sick. His condition now is much worse than it was last week. He can barely go to the bathroom himself." He says, keeping his gaze planted on the floor, his hands folded behind his back.

"I'm only suggesting you consider him this time and put the fight that occurred between you two behind you." He says and hands me the velvety, purple cape which I snatch from him.

"Behind me? Until when? He finds another reason to be disappointed in me?"


"You're dismissed, Caspian." I say, turning away from him to face the mirror and put on the cape.
Caspian sighs behind me.

"Very well, Your Highness." He says and bows, then retreat.

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