Parent trouble

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His blood boiled. He felt the rage travelling throughout his body like a bullet and its final destination was in the palms of his hand. He exerted his anger on his room door, slamming the door so hard the floor seemed to quake.

He banged his head on his desk and let out a frustrated groan. His mind replayed the situation that he just escaped from.


'Hi Felix' he was greeted with the smile of his mother.

'Hi mom'

'How was school?' she asked while scrubbing a plate.

'Good, mum, how is he?' By 'He' was referring to his brother, diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. These days that was all his mind thought. He dwelved into the darkest possibilities every second of the day. He felt insane and the only relief was knowing how his brothers health had progressed.

'He is going by just,dear', she stammered slightly, 'now I have something else to tell you, don't get mad, it was a hard choice to make but I just can't cope. I quit my job to be with your brother and now I am skint. Not a penny. I cant look after you son, I have,'she paused and took a deep breath ' to put you in care.'

Felix froze, the world spun around him he felt the blood rushing to his head and he felt the urge to punch her in the face.


Recalling the situation just made him angrier. It felt like betrayal from the one closest to you. Never in his life would he have imagined that one day he would go to care.

How dare she? It felt like an insult, he felt like he should go down and give her a piece of his mind. It was preposterous to even consider going to a place like that.  How could she?  She was a witch who had failed him numerous times and this situation is just another one for the list. It was uncomprehendable how this even seemed a possibil-

He paused his thoughts. What was that?

He heard music, a voice singing.  A male, his voice was deep but soothing. It was a recognizable genre as it was seemed almost South Asian. But something was off.

He stood up and went to the window. Was it some street performers? The view outside was plain and ordinary, no parade . But no. It seemed closer. In his head? He heard a resonation of a bell and his eyes suddenly closed. Like an attraction between his eyelids sealing them shut,  one thought came....keep your eyes shut.

The singing increased in volume. It felt close, closer than before, the singing was harmonized with some vocals that were equally beautiful and the sound seemed to soar through his brain.

The thought that had prevented him from opening his eyes was no longer present. Now something told him he should open his eyes.

He obeyed the hidden thought and at that same moment as he opened his eyes the percussion commenced. The ground shook. The music felt divine and melodious. His eyes were met with the glorious constructions which rose so high into the clouds. All around him were people dressed in rich colours of red. The women had skirts that looked like flowers when they spun, the men had colourful turbans and they were all jewelled head to toe in expensive gold and diamonds.

His eyes wandered around the views that were all around him. the architecture stunned him but more than that the people, they danced and had a look in their eyes that could suggest they have known Felix forever but that can't be possible, these people were all strangers.

The song continued and resonated all around him hitting the walls of this auditorium-style building. It felt homely, like maybe he did know this place but that could never be possible.

At this point, the song seemed to go on forever and he stood exactly at the centre of this extraordinary performance. Every time he caught the eyes of a performer they seemed so full of joy and content.

All the instruments screamed and a kid came out of the dancing crowd. His eyes were so big and his face was full of joy.

Perplexed, Felix stood still not knowing how to react from awe or fright.

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