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Rotten luck is on our side tonight.

Although we found information we were looking for, dinner with Patrick's family was a bust. He's been silent ever since our flight took off. No words of sustenance were said when we landed. Or when I told him Pen was picking us up. The most I've gotten out of him is a simple "yes" or "no." I feel bad for the kid.

There were also no last-minute flights to Victoria. Patrick and I had to catch a flight to Vancouver instead. Which is why we're waiting for Pen to arrive. Resting my face in my hands, elbows on my thighs, I sigh. Did we ask too much of her? The ferry ride from the island is about an hour-and-a-half.

I try to tell myself that's not the case. Pen would drive across Canada for me. I would do the same for her.

Yet, I feel guilty. I impeded on her night out with Gemma, Morgane, and the rest of the crew. Pen wanted to play catch-up with Nolan, too. He's been dealing with Olive since she left. Although work drama sucks, it's entertaining at times.

Sighing, I pick up my coffee and take a sip. It's from Starbucks. Not my favourite, but it's warm and has caffeine. Caffeine isn't helping, but I like to fool myself into thinking it is. I'm exhausted. Patrick's silence is driving me insane, too. Whenever I ask how he's doing, his silence shuts me down. I'm ready to tear my hair out.

At least he fell asleep soon after we landed.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see Patrick's still asleep on the bench, his jacket acting as a pillow. Aside from our phones, jackets, and wallets, we boarded the plane with nothing. Depending on how long we're here, Patrick will not fair well without clothing and necessities. Our sizing is similar, so I make a mental note to grab him some clothes from my place. If I'm recalling correctly, I've got extra toothbrushes stored somewhere, too. I'll take him shopping another day. If he's feeling up to it.

Our flight has been grounded for two hours now. Pen should be here any minute. No matter how hard I try to prevent myself from staring at the automatic doors, my eyes betray me. It feels like we've been away from each other for weeks instead of days. I miss her. Now that we're dating, I understand why Jake and Gemma are always on the phone when Jake and I leave for business trips. Living without someone you love is difficult.

Tearing my gaze away from the doors, I focus on my coffee. I'm a fool, despite being entitled to thinking about Pen. Patrick is my friend. I should focus on him; plan how to fix this damn disaster. Where I can relate to Patrick in the sense I've never known my father, I haven't been betrayed. Mom hasn't lied to my face or pranced around wearing a facade. As soon as I was old enough to comprehend her story, Mom told me nothing but the brutal truth. I wasn't planned. Mom got pregnant because of a one-night stand with someone in her last year of college. Although her actions were a mistake, she doesn't regret the outcome. She never will, as she's told me. And I believe her. She decided to keep me. Her decision holds enough truth and meaning.

The Truth About Forever (The Truth About, #2)Where stories live. Discover now