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[I updated the timeline chapter so go check that out, I left some important stuff out, so pls read that b4 this]

We had spent the past few weeks planning our next move for dealing with The Black Order. Thankfully, Tony hadn't protested when Loki was asked to join in on the planning. He had even made me an official suit, from one of his old models.

"So. What do we have so far?" Fury asked, walking in.

"Thanos is a world ender, he hops from planet to planet, killing and destroying because he can. Hes insanely powerful." Bruce said from a chair.

"Hes collected nearly every infinity stone." Nat added.

"So basically, what youre saying is: were screwed." Fury stated, slumping down into his chair.

"Not entirely." Tony said. "Were gonna round up the posse." He stood up and walked to the screens with images of each infinity stone. "Weve got the last two here, and when he comes for them...we'll be ready." He looked at Stephen Strange, who I had met along with a large amount of others.

"Oh my god." Bruce said, standing up. "Vision!!!" He shouted. Tony's face went white.

"Shit, where is he?" Tony pulled up a screen and searched around a map.

"Scotland." Steve said from a far corner.

"Well, Thanos is headed to Scotland."

"Weve gotta get to this Vision guy before Thanos does!" I said, looking at his face in the screen. "Uhhh...Why is Thanos coming for him?" I asked.

"Hes got the mind stone." Tony swiped the screen and the man's face changed to a deep red color, a large yellow stone was in the middle of his forehead.

"Oh, we gotta hurry." I said, scanning over the image. "If Thanos gets to Vision first, I doubt it will end well for him." I pointed to the stone in his head. I knew that Thanos will not show any mercy to Vision, I had nearly experienced that firsthand. Suddenly, a loud noise rang through the air outside the building. Everyone looked up and Tony rushed outside, followed by the rest. He burst through the front doors and staggered back, I followed him and looked to the sky.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. A huge round ship was flying through the air.

"Speak of the Devil!!" I said, to Loki.

"Weve got to get to that ship!" Tony shouted, running inside.

"Time to test out my new costume!" I said, following Tony inside, with Loki at my heels. Tony nearly knocked Bruce over as he ran to his suit.

"What is going on?"

"Weve got company!" I said, racing past him and careening into my room.

I opened the closet and pulled out my new suit, courtesy of Tony. It was similar to Peter's new suit. It was black and green metal, with some cool features. I walked to it and it formed around my body.

"Greetings, YN." The suits AI said as the mask formed around my face. The mask had thin eye slits that wrapped around the entire head, only a space between the eyes.

"Hey, Stan." I said, running back down the hall. Peter caught up with me halfway in his new suit.

"Looking sharp spidey!" I commented as we burst through the doors. The ship was moving at an increased speed, flying toward the city.

"We cant let them destroy the city!" A voice shouted from behind me. I turned to see Loki, rushing towards us. I saw something flying through the air behind him, headed in the ships direction.

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