Author's Note

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I just want to clarify some things about the story.

I try my best to read all your comments and it really makes me happy to see people enjoying my book. There are a lot of comments about people thinking they missed a chapter, especially towards the end. When I began writing the book, I was doing it for fun. It's one of my books that I wasn't too serious about, and by the time it got towards the end of it, I just wanted to finish it. I kind of lost motivation and ideas. To solve my problem, I added some time jumps to finish it faster while still getting in the big events. I understand that there are many flaws in the plot, but I don't plan on going back to completely edit it because I have so many more book ideas that I want to bring to life, including Paint a Picture and Coach's Daughter. I'm excited to continue writing these books, but it's going to require patience because I have college assignments I need to do as well as a job. Also there's a lot of hatred toward the way Josh left and Sabrina not telling him about the girls, which is completely understandable, but I want to just explain my thought process. My whole reasoning for their decisions is because they were young and dumb. Josh hid the whole Florida thing because he didn't want to hurt Sabrina, but he knew he eventually would. He actually planned to tell her in person that he was going, but she wasn't there when he showed up. It's mentioned at the beginning that he was in a rush, which means he was leaving right after he saw her. Now you can't get mad at Sabrina for not trying to tell him. She just got her heartbroken, found out she was pregnant, went to college, graduated, got a job, had the the girls, and her dad died so she kind of had her hands full. She couldn't have spent every waking moment trying to tell him when she had two kids to raise and he wouldn't respond.

Some exciting news!!! Mommy's Little Secrets is being translated to Polish by _Aqua_Vera . The first chapter is up!

Thank you all for reading!

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