let the world fall silent

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In your presence, the world falls still,
As if the surroundings know, they should be silent,
To witness the magic that happens when we meet,
The world is hushed, and the moment becomes vibrant.

Your essence is like a symphony,
A delicate tune that resonates with my soul,
In the quietness of your being, I find serenity,
The calmness that fills my heart, makes me whole.

Each time we meet, it's like a dance,
As if the universe aligns for us to connect,
And the surroundings fall silent, entranced,
By the beauty of the moment, and the love we reflect.

The power of your presence, it's like a spell,
That silences the noise, and stills the world,
And in that stillness, our souls dwell,
In a moment of connection, that can never be unfurled.

So, let the world fall silent, and the music play,
For in your presence, I find my peace and my way.

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