Chapter Thirteen

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Nick has been going through physical therapy, since he was injured and confined to a bed and chair only he hasn't walked since the gala. Luckily because of the PT Nick has been walking much better, he still needs his wheelchair, but less now that before. His eyes have a foggy layer over them from being burned, tough he said that his eyesight is back to its normal blindness. I've been running tests on his scars and eyes for about a week now, and he's made exponential progress on his healing. His arms are smoothing out, with white splotches scattered around. His face had the smallest of burns, his hair was singed and now is a buzz cut formed over where his long hair used to lay. His legs are covered in scars as well, but they are in a pair of leggings that fit for people with burn scars.
We have been working on a suit for him to wear in the attack to save Magnus. It's from the same materials the burn leggings are made of, but we added heat and liquid resistance, and some of Nick's DNA to help it merge with what ability that Nick chooses to use. We still need to modify it to fit him and make sure it actually works, but that will be for after PT ends.
Right now though our main focus is to find Magnus and get Nick back into the field. I know it's not an over night ordeal, but currently he is our only bet. The only anchor we have to blow this issue wide open.
As of now Nick is looking over maps of the Hero Corp building, I will say I was surprised that to learn there are 30 floors to that building. See the building was built upside down, the lowest floor is level 30, and named accordingly, level 30. As you raise in the building the level names get lower until the last four floors. To keep up appearances for the public, the last three floors were made on top of the ground and named them in order smallest to highest. Making the top floor level 4. The floors underground are where we learned they do training, recreational, and Hero Making, or as we are fearing Hero Elimination. We have found the room on which that occurs, on level 30. What made this more disturbing was what is also held on level 30. To the adjacent hall of the Power Movement room consists of three rooms. One was like a jail ward, a place heroes who mess up and villain. The second room contains to say more or less, a torcher chamber, to gain information, or just to be cold and brutal. The third room is a room not fitting to the other two rooms next to it, was a Recording station, a place to watch over a live feed from the Power Movement room. It's was heavily disturbing, to know they had this room never seen before to human eyes. A room for homicidal deeds to go unknown.
I watch Nick circle each room we will attack if he is correct on where Magnus is behind held.
"Nick why are you circling on level 28? All that's there is a lounge." I sit next to him wanting to understand his plans.
"This room is where the heroes will be watching the extraction. They won't all fit into the recording room, so they will use this room it's the closest to the Power Movement room, yet still hidden from human eyes." He explained in almost a menacing way, these heroes were monsters, that's for sure.
"And where will our point of attack be? If they can see us attack on the screens." I could only wish he had the correct answers, what would we do if they could see us.
"You all attack that room, keep them distracted, I will hand the Movement room, this is officially a fight between me and Jameson. Knowing that sick man, he will want to be the one to force his son into being human." Nicks eyes became clouded in darkness a sight no one wanted to live to see if it was aimed at them. Jameson was going to die if he truly did kidnap his own son, and Nick was going to make sure no one but him got that pleasure.
Nick is normally a docile man, when we met after the attack he was caring and like a dad figure to me. We became instant brothers, but you wrong him, you will die, now it may be emotionally to him, but if you take it to the extreme like Mr.Jameson, it will become a physical death. Not only to the person he will kill, but to anyone who gets in his way.
"We attack in two days, that way Incase something happens or we got the location wrong, we can know before we attack." He stands up cleaning up the blueprints and markers. Shoving them into a art portfolio case, he turns to me.
"You know we are in this for the long one from now till we win." He holds out his hand, telling me to take it, to accept there won't be an escape till we win. I grab his hand and stand, we are in this till the end and I won't leave his side. We tell the team of our plan, they all agree and we work out the bigger picture. We need people to record this happening, and to make sure they know who to record. Luckily for us, Jameson lives to be the center of attention, so this entire attack will be live if we time it right. All we know is that tomorrow and the day after will be busy, and someone will get hurt. War is about to start.

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