𝙲𝚑.28- 𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐

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~Rachel's POV~

After a bit of talking, Tyler and I had set out a plan to find Victor.

We spent a good 2 hours  Googling and researching on all the Victor's in this state. We went through social media platforms all the way to websites.

We knew this would be a long journey so we had a plan to set out today. We just had to visit all the Victor's. Easy peasy.

I had stood up and decided to stretch and relieve my body of some tension. I bent down to touch my toes, and when I came back up, Tyler started to growl with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, not the time to be like that. I ignored his action, and grabbed his hand and walk out the room. Well almost. Here in front of our room was a mob. They were holding small little weapons that smelt like wolfbane. Where did they get that from?

They looked angry. I was about to push them out of the way, but then one of them pushed me. Hard.

I was stunned, but not fully suprised,  but also confused on what was going on.

Out of the group, the girl who yelled at me in Hannah's room came forward and began to yell out.

"You killed our Luna, and you had the audacity to injure one of our most beloved guards with your stupid vines. And for that, you will pay." As she was saying this, the crowd began to get riled up. This again?

Wait, did my powers interfere again? I thought they only came out when I needed them, not out of nowhere. This is dangerous. I am dangerous.

But them threatening to hurt me was hilarious.  I may have been helpless by myself, but with Tyler, this is a piece of cake. Tyler started to growl and you could tell that Aiden was beginning to take over.

I looked over to him, and dang, did he look good. His deadly stare, his pearly  Rachel! Now probably isn't the best time to fawn over your mate. The Amazon vengeance group had began to make their way into the fighting arena outside.

That place used to give me the worst nightmares. In the fighting arena is where I would be chained to the wall, and beaten like no person's business. I would be left in there broken and unconscious for weeks without food or water. They would only take me out when they needed me to clean and work again.

Flashback Starts

Pain. That was all I could feel and see. I could feel my wounds opening up, and that metallic taste if blood, run down my forehead unto my shredded clothes. I haven't seen a bit of sunlight in what I am assuming was 32 hours ago.

I'm brutally tired and weak. I have no feeling inside of me. Nothing to keep me motivated in life anymore. I don't even know why I am here right now. All because of a fake accusation from Hannah. Gosh I hate her.

I was cleaning the pack house living room as I was instructed to do by Hunter, even though he isn't Alpha yet. As I was in the process of doing this, Hannah and her entourage had entered and had made themselves at home right in the center of my cleaning. When the sat down, they began to crunch on their snacks, leaving crumbs and dirt on the coach I just cleaned. Ugh.

"Hannah, can you please tell you and your friends to please leave? I'm cleaning." I directed my statement to her. 
She just smirked at me, knowing that this was upsetting me.

If you had eyes, you could tell that I was stressed out and tired, but did this stop Hannah, of course not.
She stood up, and was now towering over me due to her 9 inch stilettos, and grabbed her large salad with crunched up croton and ranch dressing and turned the bowl right upside down on my head.

Rejected But Not Forgotten (Discontinued ) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon