Put your head on my shoulder

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Will's POV:

When we entered the buss, Brian looked around nervously. Anna was sitting in the front with some headphones on. Her eyes was closed, she looked like she was meditating or something. Jackson was sleeping in the backseat.

I decided to try to ask Brian to sit with me. We were friends, right? So we could sit together. He would say yes. He had to say yes. Or else, I would die of embarrassment. "Brian, let's sit here okay?", I kinda asked as I pointed to a seat in the middle. He nodded. "Ok, but I get the window side!", he said as he ran to the seat and plopped down. He pressed his face close to the window.

"Ugh, it's a 6 hour drive", I whined. Being stuck inside this bus was not something I looked forward to. "I'm actually looking really forward to this. I love taking the bus or the train", Brian said as he placed his backpack in front of him. I frowned. "Really? Why?", I asked. 

"It's such a nice feeling to just relax. Listen to music and look at the view. It's a nice way to relax without feeling guilty for not doing anything, since you're going somewhere", he explained. His answer surprised. "I've never thought about it like that", I admitted. Brian was a very special person. It's like he's wearing some kind of different glasses than the rest of us. He sees the world in a so much more clear and beautiful way than the rest of us.

"Is it okay if I listen to music?", he asked as he pulled out some earphones and an old phone. I nodded. "Yeah, go ahead". He put in his earphones and leaned back in his seat. The bus started driving as he hit play. I didn't have anything better to do, so I got out my book and started reading. The cover was "Moby dick", but it was actually "Red, white and royal blue". But I would never dare to read that book in public. People know that books is about two boys. Not even Brian should see me read something like that. Or Anna.

I would occasional look at Brian. He was staring out the window. He's been sitting like that for the past few hours. Suddenly, he looked right back at me. I almost jumped in my seat, Jesus Christ. He took out his earphones and smirked.

"I don't remember The prince of Wales making out with the son of the first female president in Moby Dick. It's been a long time since I've read it tho", he smiled innocently at me. My usually calm complexion broke as I started blushing. "NO! I mean, it's not like that. I took the wrong book. I don't know who put the wrong cover on the book, so I decided to just read it anyways-", I tried to explain. Brian put his hands up. "Hey, hey. Relax. I've read it too. It's good, kinda unrealistic, but good. Perfect feel good book, right?", he winked at me. 

"Oh, um yeah. A friend recommended it to me", I mumbled. He winked at me. Brian winked at me. On the outside, I looked indifferent, but inside I was dying. Also, he has read the book. Does that mean he's...No way. Probably not. Maybe? No. But he winked after. Was that a sign, or? 

I chewed on my thumb as I was considering every single interaction I've had with Brian. Then something hard fell on my shoulder. I turned to see Brian's head resting on my shoulder as he softly breathed. I thanked God I wasn't wearing skinny jeans. I felt blood rush to my face, and other places. This boy really needed to stop sleeping on me.

We stayed like that for another hour. Him sleeping, me sitting completely still, afraid to wake him up. Ms Johnson walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, we're gonna stop at this gas station for a bathroom break and snacks. Can you wake up Brian?", she asked and winked at me before leaving. Why was everyone winking at me today? Was there some big secret everyone but me knew?

Brian yawned and stretched his hands. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "Hey, what time is it? Why'd we stop?", he asked. "We're stopping for a bathroom break. We can buy snacks too, if you want", I told him. He nodded enthusiastically. I got up from my seat as we walked into the 7/11. We took turns using the bathroom.

Afterwards, we looked at the snacks and candy. I'm not really a sweets person, but I grabbed a bag of chips. I saw Brian squatting on the ground, he looked like he was having some deep thoughts. I walked over to him. "What are you thinking about?", I asked.

"I want a chocolate bar, but I also want skittles. I don't know what to pick", he said. His lips were pressed together and his eyes were staring holes into that bag of skittles. "You can't buy both?", I asked. "I can, but then I won't have enough money for something to drink. I've already drank all my water", he pouted. "Buy the chocolate bar", I said. He frowned. "Why?" "Just do it. It's cheaper and healthier and will actually make u feel full", I said. He nodded. "Alright", he said and grabbed the bar. 

While he payed, I grabbed the bag of skittles and hid it behind my bag of chips. "You go ahead, I'll just pay for this", I told him as he walked back to the parking lot. After paying, I followed him. I sat down at the seat next to Brian and slowly opened the bag of skittles. I could see him side-eyeing me the entire time. "Do you want some?", I asked. He bit his lips. Conflict shined in his eyes as he debated whether to accept my offer or not. "Um, yes. If you don't mind", he said, and took a couple skittles. 

"I bought it, but it's pretty big and I don't want to get sick, so we can share", I told him. Fucking lie. I knew damn well I wouldn't be eating a single skittle. Brian smiled and grabbed a fist of skittles.  He opened his palm and started sorting them. "What's your favorite flavor?", he asked. I shrugged. "I don't have a favorite flavor", I answered. He gasped. "What are you, a psychopath? How can you not have a favorite flavor? Mines purple, because I'm supreme. Green tastes like dish-soap tho, disgusting." He then put three green ones in his mouth.

"Why would you eat the green if you don't like them?", I asked. This boy made no sense. "Because I eat the worst first, duh. First green, then yellow, then orange, then red and then purple", he explained. "Well, just give the green and yellow to me, I like them", I lied. "I thought you said you didn't have a favorite?", Brian said. "I don't, I think they all taste the same. So just give the green and yellow to me", I said. 

And that is how I ended up eating 2/5 of a bag of skittles, even though I hate candy. But it was kinda worth it when I saw Brian's happy expression while chewing purple skittles.

A/N: Question time! Who's your favorite character? (Will, Brian, Cole, Ms Johnson, Brian's mom, Eric or Chad(ew who tf likes Chad)) 

Don't forget to vote, or Chad will find u and send unsolicited nudes.


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