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"High Priestess! High Priestess!" A middle-aged man in white called for the High Priestess of the temple who was heading back to the castle where she stayed also as the crown princess of the Solaris Empire.

"What is it, Archbishop Garrett?" The Priestess helped the archbishop who was out of breath.

"The demons-" He ran quite a distance just to catch the Priestess so he deserved a break the Priestess thought to herself.

"What about them?" Questioned the Priestess's escort. The high Priestess was always escorted by the four-season knights.

The four-season knights were assigned exclusively to the crown princess of the Solaris Empire.

The winter knight is the best assassin in the empire. While the summer knight was the best marksman in the empire. The autumn knight was the best mage and the spring knight was the best swordsman.

Though the spring knight was the only real knight, the others were only given the title by the emperor as the princess's guards.

"S-Samael h-he gave his crown to Azazel!" The knights looked at each other in surprise.

They looked at princess Charlotte wondering how she would react.

She looked cool and calmly asked, "Are you sure?"

The archbishop looked at her frantic "I'm sure of it!" She calmed the archbishop.

"Okay, there's no need to panic, archbishop. I will make sure nothing happens to the empire," She assured him.

"Thank you, High Priestess!" Charlotte nodded as she turned to get in the carriage.

Her spring knight Raymond helped her up the carriage. "Thank you, Raymond," She thanked.

Raymond had red hair as bright as a rose and gold eyes blazing with energy like the sun. His title of spring knight suited him very well.

"No problem, milady!" He cheerfully got on his horse and they all rode back to the palace.

There was a knock on the right side of the carriage. The princess slid the window open.

"Princess?" Raymond asked uncertainly.

"What will you do about Azazel?" The princess immediately answered.

"Nothing," Raymond was quiet from shock.

"But, Princess, the last time Azazel took the throne complete chaos and misery was the only thing the humans got from his reign!"

"My dear spring knight, do you have to worry so, when I had given my word to protect this empire?"

Raymond looked at her like she was crazy but trusted her nonetheless.

"But, princess, what about those who you can't protect? I have siblings who live far away you know," He answered.

"I've met them both. They're very adorable," Her summer knight Noiree giggled.

Noiree was a beautiful woman with shiny blonde hair and green eyes as serene as the forest.

"Hm, I see, so you've lost all trust in me," She said wearily.

"... I didn't mean it like that, princess," He said gently.

The princess glared at him.

"I understand you have no trust in me but know without God's protection and the angels who keep the demons in check, we would have died out centuries ago. Or more likely, we would have thrown ourselves into oblivion... We, humans, are very fragile, no matter who you are, so all we can do is trust," She lectured.

The Demon King And The Holy Priestess Are Stuck In A Video Game!Where stories live. Discover now