Chapter 6

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"What would you like to eat for lunch today?" I asked him when I noticed it was twelve thirty.

"I don't know." He said still going through the emails. "You pick."

"How about burgers and fries?"

"Too greasy."

"How about salad?"

"Too plain."

I scoffed a little. "Then what would you like to eat?"

"You pick." He said.


"I want to have sushi." I said. "I don't know about you."

"I'm fine with sushi." He said.

"Okay. I will go and order some right now." I said standing up. "Any drinks on the side?"

"Just water."

"I'll be right back." I said to him.

It took me half an hour to return back with our sushi orders.

"What took you so long? I'm starving." He said as soon as he saw me walk inside his office.

"Lunch hours? they're busy."

"Next time we'll order before lunch hours."

"Whatever you say." I said as I placed his order down.

Once he was settled I decided to leave.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To have my own lunch." I said.

"Oh." He said.

"Yes, Mr. Rivera. I do have lunch hours as well."

"I totally forgot, Ms. Greyson. I thought you're a robot." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"So funny." I said rolling my eyes playfully. "I'll be right back." With a sincere smile this time.

"Okay." He said and as I walked out I could feel his eyes on me.

Frank called me in the middle of lunch.

"How are you doing, Ms. Greyson?"

"Trying to get use to it?" I said. "How about you, Frank?"

"Busy but well. Thank you." He said.

"I want to ask you for a favour." I said.

"Go ahead." He said.

"If you could send some art material to my place this evening." I said.

"Very well." He said. "What time should I drop by?"

"Whenever. You know the passcode?"

"I do." He said.

"Thank you, Frank."

"You're welcome, Ms. Greyson. Anything else?"

"That'll be it."

"Good day to you, Ms. Greyson."

"You too, Frank."

Braydon was working on his computer after I return to clear his plate.

"How was your lunch?" He asked.

"Good." I said. "How about you?"

"Good." He shrugged as he watched me tidy up the space.

"Anything else you would like me to do?" I asked once I threw the garbage.

"If you could photocopy these for me." He pointed to the pile of papers.

I blinked a couple of times trying to process his words.

"Any problem?" He asked.

"No." I said as I picked up the pile of papers.

Ironically he have a large printer in his office.

"Is there any other printer outside?" I asked.

"There's one at the end of the hallway. Why?"

"I will photocopy over there. Don't want to disturb you." I said. It's a lie. I just have to call Frank and ask him how the printer works or maybe search it up online.

"You can go ahead and do it here. Much more convenient for you."

"I would like to explore the company." I tried again.

He give me an odd look and said, "As you wish?"

"I'll be right back." I said with a big smile.

At the end of the hallway I found a door and opened it slightly. I don't know what I was expecting, but I didn't expect to see a mini kitchen with table and chairs at the side of the room. There's even a snack bar at one end.

I found one large printer at the corner of the room and grudgingly walk towards it. I look through the menu and found the photocopy option. With great excitement I place the sheet to photocopy only to realize it was out of papers in it.

"Are you kidding with me?" I smack the printer lightly and apologize quickly at the same time. "Why can't it go smoothly?" I pouted as I pulled out my phone.

Guess I have to call Frank now.

Frank didn't answer my call and after sometime. I realized he's in a meeting. Wonderful!

My last resort was to find some relatable videos that can help me in my crisis. In the midst of watching video I didn't realize someone entered the room.

I jumped in surprise and my phone fell on the floor.

"What's taking you so long?" I heard Braydon's voice.

"Can you not sneak in like that?" I said putting my hands on my heart.

He picked up my phone and looked at the screen.

"Don't look at it." I said trying to reach for my phone but he raised it up in the air giving me disadvantages to reach for my phone.

I scowled at him. It doesn't matter to me that he's my boss. He doesn't have the right to look at my phone without my permission!

"You don't know how to put papers in the printer?" He sounded surprise.

"I do." I lied.

He raised one of his eyebrow at me as he handed me my phone back.

"Then why are you watching videos on how to put papers in the printer?"

"I just don't know how to use this particular printer." I lied.

"Good to know." He said to me.

"Do you know what to do?" I asked.

"Of course." He said.

"Are you sure you're doing it right?" I started doubting him after watching him struggled for good amount of time.He seem to be struggling quite a lot that necessary for someone who knows what to do.

"Yes." He said while checking the menu.

"I don't think you have to press any menu for it?" I said.

After few more minutes he finally give up.

"Call someone to fix it." He said.

"Finally." I said. "We should have did that in the beginning."

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Could have safe us some time." I whispered quietly as I walked out of the room to look for someone who can help us.

"I heard that." He said.

I turned and stuck my tongue out at him. "Good for you." I said.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. Next update will be tomorrow. Thank you!

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