XXXIX - Sage

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Here is another update.

Excuse all mistakes

"Mommmmmmm," Sage yelled as they approached Sage's front door

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"Mommmmmmm," Sage yelled as they approached Sage's front door.

"Mommmmmmm," Alijah echoed.

"What the fuck are they calling me for?" Sage could hear her mom mumbling as she opened the door.

"Oh lord, what's wrong with him?" Emara asked as Sage and Alijah helped Adonis go in the house.

"He got shot mom," Alijah said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll beat yo motherfuckin ass AJ. Don't play with me."

"Alexander," Emara called out to Sage's dad.

"I don't know why y'all ain't call y'all big headed daddy. What's your name young man?"

"Momma he in pain he can't talk," Alijah said making Emara hit him in the head causing him to fall in the couch.

"Son in law,"Adonis coughed causing Sage to roll her eyes at him and Alijah to start laughing.

"I didn't hear that. Could you repeat please?" Emara asked leaning closer to Adonis to hear him better.

"My name is Adonis," Adonis smiled at her through his pain. Where the fuck was Sage's dad?

"Your name fit your face."

That caused Adonis to look at Sage and wink which in turn had Emara looking at them both questioningly.

"Yo what's good?" Alexander asked running down the stairs and coming into the living room where they all were.

"Daddy he got shot in the shoulder. You were closer so I told him that I'd ask you to stitch him up," Sage recited to her father.

"Come let's get him to the bathroom. The medical supplies are there. I'll stitch him up there," Alexander said throwing Adonis' uninjured hand around his shoulder and helping him to the bathroom. Sage walked behind him as Alijah and Emara chose to stay behind.

"Take a seat there," Alexander pointed to the closed toilet.

(Pretend he taking out the bullet in da mean time. Idk how the process is and excuse any shit I may say that isn't part of the process)

Alexander cut through the fabric of Adonis' shirt to get to where the billet had penetrated his skin. He wasn't surprised to see a few tattoos there.

"What yo name is son?" Alexander asked as he put the fabric in the bin.

"You done said it already Pops," Adonis said causing Sage to hit him in the side of his head. Alexander's eyes flashed to his immediately.

"What did you say?" Alexander paused and narrowed his eyes at Adonis.

"Oh I said it's Adonis Mr Anders," Adonis smiled as sterilized his instruments.

"Oh I thought I heard something else. Well the bullet missed your important veins and arteries. This will leave a nasty scar when it heals but it should heal with no problem. Whoever shot you must've been on their first rodeo."

"That's good to hear," Sage smiled.

"Why is that good to hear Gigi," Alexander turned to look at Sage curiously.

Sage fumbled with her words for a bit before answering, "this young man will be okay dad."

Alexander looked at her curiously once more before tending to Adonis' wound. In no time it was time for him stitch up.

"You seem like a promising young man. Don't get caught up in this street life," Alexander told Adonis after he finished stitching and began to put away his medical supplies.

( I say medical supplies instead of first aid kit because what Alexander has is more advanced than the basic first aid kit in homes)

"Yes sir," Adonis nodded.

"Stay here I'm going to get a shirt for you to wear."

"Why the fuck you keep telling my parents that Adonis?" Sage asked hitting Adonis in the head. Adonis' hand flew to hold Sage's before she could hit him again.

"Cause I'ma be their son in-law," Adonis stated.

"You go let them beat my ass Adonis. Stop saying that shit," Sage told Adonis.

"They not go beat yo ass baby," Adonis leaves over to press a kiss to her lips, "just trust me."

Sage smiled she pull away. Just then Alexander chose that time to re-enter the bathroom.

"Here you go young man," Alexander handed the Nike T-shirt to Adonis.

"Thank you sir," Adonis thanked him and moved to out the shirt over his head. He hissed his teeth in pain when he had to lift up his arms. Sage wanted to go help him but she didn't want her father to ask anymore questions.

"You're welcome kid."

Adonis washed his hands then shook with with Alexander's. Sage got up and he followed Sage out along with Alexander.

"Goodbye Alijah, goodbye Mrs Anders."

Both Alijah and Emara returned the goodbyes. Sage went to follow Adonis to the door but her dad stopped her.

"I'll follow him out," Alexander said.

"Bye Sage," Adonis smiled.

As Adonis left through the door, Alexander followed him. He followed him straight down to where Adonis had parked the G-Wagon.

"Thanks again Mr Anders," Adonis said as he opened the driver's door.

"You're welcome. And remember what I said about this street shit. I'll be damned if something happens to Sage because of it."

Adonis' eyes widened. He barely had anything to say as Alexander turned and walked away.


Am I the only one with a lot of fashion Pinterest boards and I probably won't wear half of the things on them?

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March 30, 2021

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