23. Take Your Mind Off Things.

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Eamon sat in a secluded booth, the loud music and bright neon lights of the club more than slightly irritating. It was Friday night and like he had promised to he was out visiting a club with José. He fiddled with his hands, already regretting coming along, even in his younger days he had never been a big fan of the party scene. He just couldn't stop worrying about Y/N and how she was doing back at their house without him.

What if she has trouble sleeping, or has a nightmare? He thought desperately fighting the urge to fish his phone out of his pocket and call her to make sure that everything was alright at home. Or what if someone breaks in while I'm out? He tensed up as his mind was filled gradually with increasingly worse worries.

"Hey, Eamon!" He was startled out of his paranoia by José who practically had to shout to be heard over the blasting music. "I got drinks!" He held up to glasses brightly. The gel in his dark hair reflecting the neon light, he had also changed out his work shirt for a silk shirt that was only buttoned up halfway with gold jewelry.

He had also brought three women over to their table, each in a mini dress and looking quite smitten. Eamon would have teased his friend for looking like a pimp had he not still been worried about Y/N. "Who are they?" Was all he asked in a snappy tone, glaring at the giggling gaggle of women.

"Eamon - excuse me a moment ladies," The raven-haired man gave the women a flirtatious wink before he leaned over the table and spoke in a low voice that only his friend could hear. "I invited them to sit with us, have drinks, possibly hook up later, is that a problem?" He asked with a joking grin.

"No, it's not," Eamon sighed, not in any mood to humor his flirtatious friend. He stood to leave, tired of worrying about Y/N, he tried to push past his friend. "I should go, this really isn't my scene-"

"Come on, this was supposed to take your mind off things," José gripped his shoulder, keeping him from leaving. "At least stay and have the drink I already got," he held out the glass with a smile.

"Fine..." Eamon relented as he accepted the drink and sat back down in the booth.

Grinning in triumph José slid into the other side of the circular booth with two of the ladies while the third sat down next to Eamon much to his displeasure. "So, what's your name handsome?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him as she looked up at him with dark eyes.

"Eamon," he replied simply, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Eamon," she winked at him as she took a sip from her own cocktail. "I'm Kira."

"Likewise Kira," he nodded, shifting away from her slightly.

"This is my first time at this club, I was wondering if you would show me around," she said, biting her lip and clasping her hands in front of her so that her chest was pushed up seductively.

"It's my first time here too,"  He replied bluntly, turning his head away from the display that he found entirely disgusting. "José would be the one to ask if you want someone to show you around."

As the evening wore on José would refill Eamon's glass, hoping that the alcohol would loosen Eamon up enough that he would enjoy himself but the opposite happened. Eamon only became more sulky and quiet than he had been before he was tipsy.

Eamon was seriously considering just going home, the random lady was breathing down his neck and the blasting music and alcohol resulted in a pounding headache in his temples. "Y/N...." He suddenly said, his eyes widening as he caught sight of familiar H/C hair in his blurry vision. He stood from the table and rushed over to the dance floor on slightly unsteady legs towards where she swayed on the dance floor. "Y/N is that you?!" He asked as he grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to see her face.

The startled face of a woman who was definitely not Y/N looked up at him with scared eyes. Eamon hurried to let go of her once his slightly cloudy mind realized that she of course wasn't Y/N. "Sorry, I-I mistook you for someone else," he apologized quickly before he hurried back to the table where his friend and the three women sat.

"Night José, I'm going home," he called over his shoulder as he grabbed his coat, not even giving him time to respond as he headed towards the exit.

. . .

Ah, it's good to be home, Eamon thought with a big sigh as he locked the door and walked through the darkened house. He crept up the stairs, I'm so tired I should probably just go to bed.

He paused as he glanced from his bedroom door to Y/N's. I wonder... How Y/N's doing? I'll just check in on her quick, it can't hurt, can it? He tiptoed to her room and quietly pushed the door open, wanting to affirm that she was safe and sound.

Aww, she's so precious, he thought as he slipped in, the soft nightlight plugged into one of the outlets producing enough light that Eamon could see her snuggling with the giant teddy bear he had bought her as she slept. I hope she wasn't lonely at home without me, I would have preferred to have spent the evening with her by far, at least now I have an excuse to turn José down for the next couple of months.

He continued to watch her, the gentle rise and fall of her breaths putting him more at ease than he had been all evening. Why is he so insistent on me finding a partner anyway? I'm happier single than a ever was with Ann.

Thinking of his ex had brought a frown to his face, but the sight of the girl peacefully sleeping washed away the bitter feelings that had been creeping in on him. And if I'm single I'll be able to dedicate all of my attention to Y/N, he grinned happily as he got down on his knees by the bed so that he was closer to her. And I'm more than contented by that prospect. He thought, the alcohol making him feel more than slightly giddy.

I only wish that I could have helped her sooner, his heart ached thinking about all the awful things she had to endure for years, if only I'd known maybe things would have gone differently. If I'd taken her in sooner then she could have had a better childhood and her confidence would be so delicate, and maybe if his best friend had lived her Sean would have had more company and wouldn't have... His eyes were blurred with tears and he quickly stopped that train of thought before it consumed him entirely.

Wiping his eyes he looked back up at Y/N's sleeping face. She looks so still... so peaceful... So beautiful... He thought in a daze, enjoying the serene aura that she gave off.

I wish I could sleep at night like that, he sighed, in his inebriated state not realizing that watching her sleep for several minutes was very creepy. Eventually, he got to his feet and walked towards the door. I should go to bed for the night, I'll need all the sleep I can get to cope with the hangover tomorrow.

"Goodnight Y/N..." He said in a whisper, gazing one last time at her sleeping form as he closed the door behind him.



From this point onward things will get very dark. I know that many of you have been in the yandere niche for a while so you think you'll be fine, but I've been here a while and the very next chapter made me very uncomfortable to write (and it's not even the worst to come.)

This. Is. Not. A. Standard. Yandere. Book.

This book deals with the raw dark side of mental illness, not just the glossed-over and romanticized version you often see here. I have based this book on more real cases than most of my others and as such it will have some very dark, paranoia, delusions, as well as violence and sex. Think of the book Lolita if you want a general idea of what I mean.

Now, I have to walk a fine line between not making it too sickening while staying true to my vision, I want to honor what yandere nature really is, a broken psyche. The 'romance' in this book from this point isn't right, but it's not supposed to be.

So keep that in mind, from here on out this book will be sick, and that's coming from someone who had been obsessively reading yandere books for four years.

You have been warned.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side.

~J. C. Coltt.~

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