The Science Fair That Made The Future

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"You left the garage door open didn't you?!" Carl asked Wilbur after he was done explaining, that a Guy in a Bowler Hat stole the Time Machine. "Next question." Wilbur said, not wanting to answered him. "WE HAVE TO TELL YOU'RE DAD!" Carl scream running for the exit but Wilbur stops him. "Carl! What the first rule in a situation like this?"

"Uuuuh close the garage door." Carl answered. "Ooh low blow." I commented. "No. It's don't panic. Now, we got to get the Time Machine back from that Bowler Hat Guy." Wilbur told us. "But how? He's who knows, when right now!" I told him. "Well you're dead, (Name) is somewhat innocent, and I'm deactivated. Nice knowing you!"

"(Name) and I could follow him in the prototype Time Machine. But we'll need to infiltrate The Time Machine security vault." Wilbur explained ignoring Carl's comment completely. Carl gasp. "You're going to break into your Dad's Time Lab?!"

"Yes! Now what's the fastest way to Sub Level 3?" Wilbur asked, Carl let out a sigh before he pop out a map out of his chest. "Let's see... Sun Level 3... okay! You'll have to take 4:15 express, run the giant hamster ball to the third hall, jump through the spinning fan of death, turn right.... NO WAIT! I mean left.... are you sure you don't want to tell you're Dad?"

"I'm SURE!"

"Right. After that you just have to make it past the Robot Guardian. But he's nothing to worry about." Carl explained. "Sweet! High five!" Wilbur hold up his hand for Carl to give him five but Carl was to engross by the map to notice. So Wilbur and I just went head to Sub Level 3.

After nearly avoiding being capture, seriously injured, or dead! We made it to the Time lab where we encountered the newly upgraded Robot Guardian. Which was a pain to take out! But once it was down, we got the Prototype Time Machine!

We took the elevator up to the garage where Carl was waiting for us. "Is there anything Wilbur Robinson's can't do?" Wilbur asked him with a smug smile. "Well there's close the garage door, clean your room, be on time, tell the truth, put your clothes away, eat your veggies, tell (Name) you have a crush on her, run for office..."

"Wait what was that?" I asked Carl, but he didn't hear me and continue to listen the many things Wilbur can't do. "I-it's probably nothing! Come on let's go!" Wilbur said with a red face, as he grabs my arm and pulls me into the Time Machine. Wilbur flew us up and out of the garage, traveling us back to the day his Dad enter a Science fair that change his whole life.

Wilbur's P.O.V
I still can't believe I forgot to lock the garage door. Now the future is in danger because of me! Alright stay calm, you can fix this. Carl going to stay quiet and you have (Name) here to help you. With them having your back everything will be back to normal and Dad will never know!

Just got to make sure Dad's science fair goes on with out anything bad happening. Dad's told me the story about his science fair like a million times. So I'll know if something wrong when I see it.

"Wow... MP3 players! I haven't seen one of these since I was like five!" (Name) said when she saw one kid was using an old piece of technology as we walk through the halls of the school. This causes some of the kids to look at us like we're strange.

I grab (Name's) hand and pull her away into a janitors closet. "(Name), we need to keep a low profile." I told her. "Why? We never did before when we travel through time." Hearing her say this out loud makes it seem like we're really irresponsible with the time machine.

"Yeah but remember the Bowler Hat Guy is here. If we give ourselves away he'll run away and we might never find him." I explained. "Yeah, you got a good point there. But I thought we had to question your Dad to make sure he's safe."

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