Chapter 4

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Rose's P.O.V

I was woken up by my alarm clock. Sleepily, I grabbed it and turned it off. It was 6 in the morning. I didn't want to get up right now, since I was really comfortable in my bed right now, so I decided to close my eyes again and sleep for a few more minutes.

The next time I woke up, I looked the clock and saw that I had fallen asleep for half an hour and quickly sat up. I sighed and scratched my head in annoyance. I got out of bed and walked towards the restroom while rubbing my eyes.


An hour later, after taking a shower and drying my hair, I came out of the bathroom and straight-up went inside my walk-in closet to pick some clothes.

I put on a pair of jet black ripped jeans and a green shirt. I wore a black head band around my forehead and brushed the front hair strands above it. Then, after putting on a black cap, I finally wore a pair of grey socks and black sneakers, and then I left my room.

As I was walking down the stairs, I switched my phone on to see a message sent from him half an hour ago.

'Good morning. How are you? Did you sleep well?'

'Good morning. I slept well and am fine, how about you?' I replied and instantly got a reply.

'Fine.' I then turned my phone off and put it back in my jean's pocket, knowing he wouldn't send me anything more, since he just messages me to greet me everyday, unless he misses me or has to talk to me about something important.

In the kitchen, I saw Dylan sitting on a chair, busy on his phone. Ignoring him, I went towards the sink to get myself some water.

"Oh, Rose. Morning. What are you doing?" He asked but I didn't feel like replying and filled a glass with water.

I drank it and sat on a chair. Pulling my phone out of my jeans' pocket, I switched it on and started playing Candy Crush.

"I just asked something." He said but I still didn't say anything back.

A few moments passed and he let out an annoyed sigh as he got up from his seat. He didn't say anything and just left the kitchen with another sigh.

A while later, I, too got up and left the kitchen as the maids came inside. I went to the dining hall, where the others had already gathered, including Robert. I ignored all of them and took a seat at the very end of the table, away from them.

Before I could even make myself comfortable on my seat, Robert spoke up, gaining veryone's attention.

"So, you're back. Pretty disgusting, but from tomorrow, you'll be going to college with the boys." He said and I rolled my eyes. I put my attention back to my phone and played some more games.

Food was served and everyone began eating, and so did I. It was silent until Damien decided to speak.

"Why are you eating with your left hand?" Damien asked. I didn't care, though and continued to eat.

"Rose, answer the question." Robert demanded and I sighed.

Boring. Everything about them is boring. They won't let me eat peacefully.

"Why is it surprising you? Haven't you ever seen me eat like this?" I asked back, I had no interest in this conversation.

"You're being a very disrespectful brat." He said and I rolled my eyes again.

"I don't find any reason to give respect." I said and got up from my chair. I walked towards the door and left the dining hall, but not before hearing Robert yell.

"You're grounded, Rose." I rolled my eyes yet again.

These people are already getting on my nerves.

I left the mansion and walked through the garden in silence. It was still the same beautiful garden, filled with greenery and colourful, fragrant flowers, two big fountains, adding to the beauty of this garden. I sat down on the grass against the wall of one of the fountains and inhaled the fresh air.

Cool breeze hit my face, calming me down instantly as the fragrance of the flowers made me feel really good. I looked up at the clear sky and tried to put aside everything that had happened since yesterday.

I've come back to my old life, but not with the same character and the same attitude like before. I've come back, but not as a member of this family, not as Robert's disgrace of a daughter, or my brothers' scared, little sister. I've come back as a wholly different person, whom they didn't expect, I'm sure.

After sitting there for what felt like an hour, I finally got back up and went towards the gates. The guards opened them as soon as I approached them. I then left the property and decided to go for a walk. There were many people walking or driving through the roads at this time, so I went through an alley to stay away from all the noises that were starting to cause me a headache.


After roaming around the alleys for two whole hours, I was feeling tired now, so I came back to the mansion and went inside. I was about to walk toward the stairs when this young woman, around Damien's age, as far as I could tell, came in my way.

"Oh, so you're Rose. I've been looking forward to meeting you and have been finding you for a good fifteen minutes now. I am Miley, Damien's girlfriend." She said with a sweet smile which I didn't want to return, neither did I want to start a conversation with her, and nor a fight, so I just walked past her without saying anything.

"Wait! Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" She said but I didn't turn around and continued to walk up the stairs. I entered my room and closed the door behind.

Sighing, I threw myself on my bed and laid back, looking at the ceiling. I know it was rude to ignore her while she was trying to be nice, but I don't trust a single person here. You won't know anything until they backstab you, especially the boys. They are not the people to be trusted and being in mafia adds to their ruthlessness. Now I'm not saying that I'm scared of them, not anymore. They can't scare or control me like before.

Anyways, let's see what new comes my way now...


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