Chapter 11

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     Sandra tightened the straps on her backpack, almost to where they were digging into her shoulders. She didn't have time to focus on the slight pain; she was only concerned about how the walk to school had been completely quiet for over ten minutes. Derek hadn't made so much as a whimper, he just kept his eyes on the path in front of him. Although, Sandra noticed something was off about him. She knows their father talked to him yesterday, but she couldn't make out the conversation from her own room. All she knows is he has something on his mind.

     I'm just as guilty because I went off in front of Mom. Should I say something?

     Questions consumed her as well, but this game of silence couldn't last forever. Something needs to be said about Sandra's recent outburst, and Derek finally took the initiative.

     "So how long were you holding it in?" He asked. Sandra turned to him to see a slight grin on his face. He looks too much like his father.

     "Are you talking about yesterday? Well, it's been a long time since I did something like that. I'm sorry about that."

     "No, no. It's my fault. I shouldn't have provoked you like that. I was supposed to be excited about you finally branching out. Believe me, it won't happen again."

      There was a slight pause after his apology. A faint breeze cut through the summer heat and made Sandra a little calmer.

     "Thank you for saying that, Derek. It means more than you realize. By, the way, Risa and I exchanged numbers while we were in the club at school. We talked for a while during the weekend, and we have a lot more in common than I originally thought."

     Derek's eyes instantly widened. "That's great! James and I knew you two were going to click. Speaking of James, do you think Risa will ever give James a shot?"

     "I've seen the way he acts. I feel like she will eventually give in to his 'charm'. If you can call it that."

     Both siblings shared a brief moment of laughter, before entering the school's parking lot. Derek then realized that what he had to do later was no laughing matter. He successfully strengthened the bond that tied a brother and sister together, so now the next step is to prove that he can change. Sydney would need to be the second person to witness the new-and-improved Derek Parker.


     The last bell rang, instantly adding excitement to all the students attending Laurence Preston Highschool. Derek left his classroom and headed for the main entrance. He noticed he could feel his heart beating faster than normal as he walked through the hallways. He was thinking about this moment all day, but only now has anxiety made an appearance. A light rumble in his jeans pocket served as a timely distraction from his situation. He pulled out his phone and noticed a message from James. Good Luck, it read. Derek loudly exhaled out his mouth and slid his phone back into his pocket. I'm gonna need it.

     He was now sitting on a bench in front of the parking lot. He saw many students walking home or getting picked up by their parents. Only a few students had their own cars, James included, and his parents haven't even discussed getting him one either. Sandra agreed to walk home alone after hearing about Derek's situation, so he didn't feel bad staying at school for a little longer. After a few minutes of waiting, Sydney appeared from the main entrance and made her way towards Derek. He instantly felt a tingling sensation in his chest. He wondered if this was something similar to what Sandra goes through; this feeling of overwhelming nervousness creeping in from inside. But Sydney's warm aura she exudes brought him back down to earth now that she was sitting on the bench next to him.

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