chapter 12

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It was a warm Friday morning and Severus awoke to a silent home, casting a quick Tempus he found it was only 8.30am. He didn't have to get Harry up for another half an hour so He got up and got ready for the day, he was wearing black dress trousers and a Slytherin green silk dress shirt left open at the collar, he tied his hair into a low ponytail and picked up his outer robe to put on before they left. He then walked into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee before he had to properly start the day.
Once the clock struck 9 Severus walked sown the hall to Harry's room to wake him up, and get him ready for the busy day ahead of them. Severus knocked on Harry's door but there was no response, so he slowly opened the door and the sight in-front of him brought a smile to the usually dour man's face.
Harry was sat in his beanbag corner, his, unfortunately, used pull up next to him, clothing once again scattered on the floor leaving a trail from the bed to the corner, with his Whinnie the pooh plush tucked under his arm playing with his Stitch toy and some leggo, re-enacting the scene from the movie.
Moving loudly in order to make his presence known and to avoid starting the small boy Severus walked over to Harry's corner and sat down on the floor in-front of him. Harry barely registered the Potions Master and kept playing and giggling, the sight was truly endearing.
"Good morning my happy boy, did you have a good rest?" Harry's only response was a happy sounding grunt.
"Alright then, well I hate to spoil your fun but we have to get ready for the day we have ahead of us." Severus stood up and picked Harry up with him.
Severus brought Harry into the spacious bathroom and sat him on the toilet.
"Harry i want you to stay there whilst I grab you some clothes and put your toys away." Severus left the room leaving the door open and walked into the boys wardrobe, he selected a pair of navy joggers with a matching jacket and a dark blue PlayStation t-shirt, he picked out some plain black socks, his navy trainers and a pull up in case his bladder acts up. Harry had been good yesterday with telling Severus when he needed to go but a few times it had been a close call, he knew that today would be a lot of sitting around and Harry may fall asleep and judging by the pull up he spotted on the floor Harry was going to have trouble staying dry when he was asleep. Severus brought the clothing into the bathroom and set them on the side. Seeing Harry was getting restless he tried to reassure him.
"Give me one minute Harry, I know you don't like it on there but I just want to pick up your old clothes." Quickly getting the job done he rushed back to the bathroom, picked Harry up and sat him on the edge of the changing table.
Severus quickly and efficiently got Harry dressed into his outfit, the only things left being socks, shoes and his jacket.
Harry was beginning to get fussy as he had been sat in the same room doing nothing for the past 15 minutes.
"Come on Harry, just your socks left we can leave the shoes and jacket for later."
"Mmmhhh, nnnnn" and the shake of his head was all Severus got in response. By now he was starting to get worried, Harry hadn't said anything at all and he knew it wasn't just because he didn't like mornings as Severus had been with him most mornings, Severus worried it was an after effect of the brain bleed that was delayed but poppy had said he was fine, Severus decided he would take Harry to gringos and around Diagon Alley if he wished and if he was still like this then he would take him to poppy.
Quickly sliding Harry's socks on, Severus picked him up and placed him on the floor Harry's back to his chest. Holding onto Harry's waist he got Harry to slowly walk towards his door to try and strengthen his legs.
Harry took 4 steps before he stopped and groaned.
"Come on Harry one more, you can do it I know you can, I've got you I'm not going to let you fall." Harry took one more shaky step before he collapsed in the Professors arms. Severus picked Harry up and held him close.
"There we go, I've got you, I'm so proud of you, my big strong boy." Severus praised.
"Do you want to go get some breakfast now?"
"I will take that as a yes."
Severus walked Harry to the kitchen and sat him on the chair closest to the door, severus sitting on the one opposite.
"Tibby" Severus called into the air
"What can Tibby be doing for master potions master sir?"
"I would like to request breakfast, I will have a full English with a latte, and could you bring Harry some porridge with fruits on top and a glass of apple and raspberry juice."
"Tibby will be doing it right away master potions master sir." And with a quiet pop the elf was gone.
"Do you remember what I told you we would be doing today Harry?" Severus asked softly.
"Nu uh" Harry responded with a shake of his head.
"okay well, today we are going to take a trip to Gringots. you are going to get an inheritance test, this shows you which family's you are heir to and all the vaults and properties you will get once you turn the right age, usually 17. Then I am going to adopt you and make you my real son so that nobody can ever take you away from me. then once that is done we are going to go to a wand shop in Sweeden, because your magical signature will change once you become my son and your current wand might not work as well, this specific wand shop make the wands from scratch using the materials you choose. after all that we can come back here and you can spend some time in your room unless we find something we need to do whilst we are out." Severus explained, just as he finished explaining to harry what they would be doing that day Tibby popped back in and delivered their breakfast.
The pair ate in comfortable silence, Harry kicking his legs out in excitement as he tried the tropical fruits Tibby had decorated his breakfast with.
They finished their meal at 9.40 so Severus picked the small 12 year old up and left him to play with his toys before they had to leave at 10.30. Severus did not think it was odd that Harry wanted to play with toys, at first he was a bit surprised by the items Harry had picked out however he knew from working with his snakes that abused kids liked to try and live out their childhood as much as possible so were usually the ones to stay sweet, innocent and well kid like for longer. It was part of the heeling proses a Severus would be dammed if he stoped Harry from healing.
Time flew by as Harry played and Severus continued working on some of his lesson plans for the coming school year. 10 minutes before they had to leave Severus went to get Harry, this time he found Harry sat in the middle of his room playing with some of his figurines without his socks and t-shirt.
"Harry, I don't know why you feel the need to undress every time I leave you alone but its quite frustrating to have to put your clothes back on. Can you put your clothes back on please."
"Come on, you get ready for school every morning, I know you can put your top and socks on." Harry very slowly put his clothes back on, leaving his socks inside out. Severus picked up his shoes and popped them on Harry's feet then picked up the blue jacket he had picked out earlier and helped Harry slide it on.
Picking him up and placing him on his hip Severus wallked towards the floo, they were just in time, at exactly 10.30 Severus stepped into the floo with Harry on his hip and shouted,
"GRINGOTS WIZARDING BANK" Harry whimpered but other than that stayed quiet. Severus wallked up to the main desk.
"I have an appointment with Ragrook."
"Very well, follow me" the goblin at the desk said motioning for them to follow behind him.
Severus wallked into Ragrook's office and placed Harry down in one of the two chairs infront of the goblins desk him sitting in the other.
"We are here to request an inheritance test and magical health test, if all is well I, no, we would like to perform a blood adoption today."
Ragrook took out 3 pieces of parchment and layed them out on the desk. He handed over a small dagger.
" if you could put 3 drops of blood on the first one and two on the others."
Severus took Harry's hand in his and using the blade made a small cut the size of a paper cut. He squeezed Harry's finger and dropped the required blood onto the parchment.
The goblin took the pieces of parchment and whispered something in gobbledegook that neither Severus nor Harry understood.
Ragrook's eyes widend in shock when he looked at the parchment and it set Severus on edge, goblins were rarely surprised by anything.
Silently the goblin handed over the slip.
Birth certificate: (fraudulent)
Name~ Harry James Potter
Date of Birth~ 31st July
Mother~ Lilly Louise Potter ne. Evans
Father~ James Fleamont Potter
Heir to~ Potter, Prievral, Griffindoor, Merlin

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