Chapter 3: Dauntless

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Is all I hear Marcus yell before it's drowned out by the roar of cheer I hear behind me. Dauntless has been the only group cheering so loud when a new person joins. With a smile growing on my face happy with my choice already. I slowly make my way over to the large group of loud eccentric dauntless. they engulf me patting me on the back congratulating and welcoming me to dauntless.

They lead me to an empty set so we can continue with the ceremony. About 1 hour later the choosing ceremony is finally done and Marcus is finishing up with a little speech to congratulate everyone, but dauntless was already filing out of the building. I didn't even look back to wave my old faction goodbye only looking forward.

As we reach outside the dauntless borns broke out in a run having everyone follow; running next to the dauntless felt free and exciting not no have people look at you like you are crazy but enjoy it the same feeling.keeping a steady pace at the front of the group with the older dauntless i take a glance behind to see the new transfers at the very back trying to keep up with this new experience. Soon they had led us to a train bridge and I started to see them climb the braces of the structure; frozen out of utter disbelief that they really did this. I gladly started to climb after them, happy that this was normal for them. Easily scaling the braces up to the top I climb on to the platform. I wish I didn't wear a dress because it would have made this much easier, but i'm lucky I wore my workout shoes.

Looking around you could see them waiting meaning the train is coming; I look down to see if everyone has climbed up yet and I can see a Abnegation transfer struggling half way down right as the train horn sounds making its way closer. Everyone looked knowing he wouldn't make it in time and he would become factionless. Looking away I turned to see the train down the track coming in way too fast . I saw the dauntless start to run from the corner of my eye; I started to run behind them right as the train's front car Whizzed by not slowing in the slightest. By the third train cart someone jumped and hit a button on the side opening all the doors. Everyone started jumping on the train, I looked to the side and see an opening. I then jumped right in stumbling a little; it looked a lot easier but I made it now we will have to see how we all are going to get off.

"Are you really from Amity because you definitely make us dauntless borns look like little kids with how easy you made all that look." I look over to see a guy ask me.

"Yep i was unfortunately born amity, but that definitely didn't stop me from getting here." turning to ignore him.

"Good you definitely should be here. Hopefully you'll make it through initiation. Names Pax." he shook my hand.

"Amethyst." I told him, slowly taking my hand back. "And you can bet i will make it through initiation. Like you said, I put you all to shame." I gave him a wide grin.

"Amethyst." he said like he was trying it out " that's definitely a amity kinda name, but definitely not an amity attitude." he chuckles out

"Yeah maybe I should change it. Something more dauntless." i think out loud

" How about Pax, it's a good name." he says with a goofy grin.

"No thanks." We started to think of names, but man was he bad at picking them.

"Fred you really look like a Fred." he shouts out. I look at him with a raised eyebrow before we start to laugh.

"No definitely not."

We had been on the train for about 15 minutes now; everybody started going around the doors looking like they were going to jump off.

"Ready to go?"

Looking at Pax like he was crazy then outside i was only joking when i thought they were going to jump.

"Ready for what exactly?"

" to jump of course." he laughs manically at me. Great, my first friend is crazy.

I see a building top come into view as the train slowed down just enough apparently for me to jump. Looking out I see people in the first cart jumping out onto a roof, so I back up with Pax getting ready. As I see Pax jump I follow just right behind him.landing with a roll I feel the gravel below cut my limbs and my dress a little, but otherwise I made it safely and realized how exhilarating it was.

After i collect my thoughts i see everyone who already jumped start to group around this guy on a balcony, so i head over getting out of the way of other jumpers. Making my way to the front of the group everyone was finally done jumping and the ones who didn't are on their way to the factionless.

"Listen up!"

The big man that was on the edge of the building yelled to get everyone's attention.

"I'm Eric a leader here in dauntless; congratulations on making it this far, but now the real test begins. There is only one way to get into dauntless here." his hand gestures over the ledge he was standing on.

Looking over all you see is a big gaping hole into nothingness.

"Wait we just jumped and you want us to jump again?" a candor boy had asked.

"Is there a problem?" Eric questioned giving a cold glare with his blue eyes.

"Is there water or something down there?" an Erudite had questioned.

"Guess you'll just have to use that erudite curiosity to find out." he sighed looking board.

It was silent for a good minute and as the seconds ticked by you could see Eric growing annoyed.

" Well we don't have all day; who will be the first, any volunteers." he yelled out.

Everyone took a step back even the dauntless not knowing what was at the bottom. They won't just kill us off, they need new people; right?"

I stepped up on the ledge surprising everyone. even looking at Eric you can see the shock in his eyes, it almost made this feel like a trick or something.i then hear a deep chuckle coming from him.

"Damn look at you cowards amity has more balls than you." he tells everyone.

A little annoyed that he underestimated me. I took one last glance down.

"What scared now, amity?"he asked amused

Turning to look at him I looked him in the eye.

"Never" is the word that falls off my lips with a grin falling back. I made sure to add a wink at the big bad dauntless leader just to annoy him more. I fell feeling the air rush pass me into the dark nothingness of the black pit.

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