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[September 2, 2017. 1:30 am]
[Hotel Aidoneus]

Taehyung didn't know how he got to this dark hallway but now he was walking around pointlessly.

He didn't know which way to take so he could go back to his room, so kept walking straight. The air was chilly and the wood creaked every time he stepped further.

The hallway was barely lit and seemed endless. Not one person was in sight. It was so eerily quiet that it gave him goosebumps.

A shaky sigh left him. The blond was scared. He pulled his phone out to light up the place further but the damn thing never seems to work when needed.

His breath hitched when he heard a low cry of a female in the deafening silence. Now, Taehyung wasn't the stupid type of horror MC to just walk headfirst towards the noise and say 'hello?'.

But in this case, his body wasn't cooperating with his mind. His eyes were hazy as he walked towards a specific room. In the dim light, he could barely make out the number plate. Room 204-E it said.

The door was already slightly ajar but now it started to open wider with a creek.

He walked in involuntarily and looked at the lady sitting on the foot of the bed crying. Her back was turned to him. The room was dimly lit but he could see her long black hair and light blue dress clearly.

Her form told him she was maybe in her early thirties.

He let out another shaky breath and instantly it went silent. The lady slowly stood up sniffling. Taehyung's heart was already beating against his chest.

She slowly turned around and walked towards him. Her hair covering her whole face.

Taehyung just stood there frozen. He wanted to run, wanted to hide, wanted to scream his lungs out and cry from fear but he couldn't. He just stood there and shivered.

Both from fear and the temperature. It was freezing inside the room.

"Why'd he have to do this to me?" The woman softly cried out as she laid her head against his chest.

Taehyung was sweating now. Unbelievably scared. "Why did he do it?" She again cried in a soft voice.

A shiver ran down his spine as she held both of his biceps, her hands icy cold. Her hands started vibrating and Taehyung was now practically screaming for his friends to come and help him. In his head. Because his mouth was sealed shut, he couldn't speak at all.

The lady held him tighter, almost bruising him. "Why?" Her voice rose slightly. "Tell me!" She shouted now shaking him violently.

"SAY SOMETHING!" her voice became almost demonic as she snapped her head to stare at him.

Taehyung's eyes widened at what he saw. Rotten skin almost falling off of her face, her eyes being eaten up by bugs and black liquid coming out of her mouth.

She grabbed Taehyung by the hair and her mouth started stretching bigger. Almost the size of his head like she was about to devour him. The horrid sound of popping bones and stretching skin filled his ears. Taehyung finally felt his lips move and a shrill scream left him.

His throat piercing out a loud terrifying scream.

"AHHHHHHH" he plunged up straight on his bed. His breathing ragged and his clothes dripping with sweat.

His hands were shaking as he wrapped the blanket around him. His whole body shook in fear as his mind finally registered that he indeed had a nightmare.

"Why'd he do it?" He again heard the whispered. His heart clenched tightly and his eyes bulged wide. He slowly looked at the door. But sighed when there was nothing. His room was completely normal.

A tear slipped his eye and he sniffled.


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