Chapter 19: The Cursed Jeans

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"Why don't you stop being a jerk and listen to me for once?!" I yell, glaring at him. "Since morning you have been acting like a spoiled brat. Cut it out! Now it's getting annoying."

Adrien's eyes widen, not expecting me to go off like that. Well, it's high time he realized he isn't the only one who can get angry.

He quickly recovers though and his eyes narrow into slits that can burn through my skull. Fear peeks its head inside me, but my anger overpowers and quickly squashes it down.

"Watch your mouth Peppa before it gets you in trouble-"

"Trouble? What trouble? The biggest trouble is standing in front of me!" I cut him off. "And frankly I'm getting quite tired of dealing with this arrogant, imbecile, bullheaded trouble.

"You have been pain in my ass since forever Adrien! You treat me like a dirt every single day," I continue. I can't hold back. I don't want to. I let my rage consume me and everything comes bubbling out. "You just can't let me have a day in peace. Is it your mission to ruin me?

"Every day I'm subjected to your cruel insults about my body. They are degrading and horrible. Fat, whale, pig, swollen pig. Do you ever wonder what damage they leave behind-"

"This isn't about this shit jeans anymore," says Adrien. His glare is still intact, but the ferocity in them is dimmed and he looks more curious.

Yeah, this isn't about jeans anymore. It's about us.

All the things that happened between us these past few days has gotten to me. I'm brimming with frustration and strange feelings I don't want to acknowledge. Adrien's erratic behavior adds more to my restlessness. The guy is so damn infuriating!

Maybe this is the trigger I needed to let it all out.

"You're right. This is about how terrible you're to me. You say and do whatever you want to me. You bully me for my weight. You never, oh never, miss a chance to remind me how fat, ugly I am to you. You always punch me down with your words.

"You're so terrible to me. And now... now you're even worse after that party. You are- you are so..."

"I am what Peppa?" Adrien challenges and I realize I have moved closer. His dark eyes are studying me. Behind the harsh exterior I notice something else swirling in them.

"You are..." Suddenly I am at loss for words. His intense gaze doesn't help me. "You are asshole," I blurt out pathetically.

A smirk curves on his bow-shaped lips. "And don't you ever forget that," he taunts. "So are you done or want to continue?" He looks cocky and in control but I can see there's a storm brewing in those eyes. Even though he doesn't want to show it, my words got to him. There's a facade and I'm learning to see through it.

I regain my senses and put on my fighting face. "I'll be done once you stop being a jerk and put these on," I huff and shove the jeans in my hand at him. The heavy tension that my rant caused breaks.

Adrien scowls like a brat he is before taking the jeans from me and storming to the changing room without another word.

I sigh and try to stop my hands and legs from shaking. Adrenaline is wearing off. I might've fought Adrien in the past, but this was different. It was so... thrilling, freeing. My chest swells, feeling proud of myself.

I stood up to that devil. And won.

When I look around to find other people in the store staring at me, my cheeks color in embarrassment. Well I also made a scene in a public place.

I find Zaid and Logan not too far away. I think they were coming for my rescue before I did the job myself. They are gaping at me and it makes me more conscious. That long spiel was personal, just for me and Adrien, but I broadcasted it to the whole world. I feel embarrassed.

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