Chapter Eleven

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"Paris? Is that you?" I cursed under my breath at my failed attempt to sneak past the dining room without being heard. 

I knew I was late for dinner. Really late. So I wanted to sneak off to my room and come down in pyjamas as if I'd been home for a while. But of course, despite my tiny frame, my heavy feet alerted everyone. 

Reluctantly, I shuffled my way back towards the dining room's entrance, where my parents and sister were already halfway through their meals. It looked lovely, but my already filled tummy protested against having more food. 

"Hey." I waved awkwardly as they all gazed at me. My sister, Cynthia, had a teasing smirk on her face, as both my parents eyed me in question. 

"And where have you been all evening, young lady?" my dad asked, and I almost winced at the sharpness in his tone. 

"I um... " I knew I couldn't lie. The oversized jacket on my shoulders was obviously not mine, and I was sure that there was a pulsating red love bite at the base of my neck. 

"She's been out with that boy again. He goes to Hamilton High and he's her new booooyfriend," my sister drawled in a sing-song voice as she said 'boyfriend'. I threw her a glare. 

"What are you? six? And he is not my-"

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with this boy, Paris. Is he a good influence on you?" My mother's eyes darted to my neck quickly before finding my face again. I involuntarily used my hand to hide the mark, as I prepared myself an answer. 

"He is a nice person, mom. If you are having doubts about me hanging out with him, then you shouldn't." I felt quite satisfied with my answer. There really was no need for them to get all worked up. 

Fabian and I were just getting to know each other more. Once, sometimes more than once, we may find ourselves making out heavily for a minute or two, but that was all. 

My mother raised an eyebrow at me, but unlike my dad, she seemed playful. "I see. Is he the reason I haven't seen my daughter in two weeks?"

"And Colton stopped by today," my dad added. "Just like the rest of us, he couldn't reach your cell." My heart ached at this. 

I admit, I had been spending less time with Colton, and it was causing a strain on our relationship. But I couldn't help the feeling of every second of wanting to be with Fabian. 

"Wh-what did you tell him?" I asked with nervousness dripping from my voice. My dad threw me a stern look before replying. 

"I told him the truth of course. I told him you were out with God knows who, and you probably won't be home until--well--now! He even waited a couple of hours. Are you really willing to give up a connection so strong for a temporary fling with this mysterious guy?" 

I winced again as I involuntarily flinched back. I saw my mom holding onto his arm, whispering something to him about being nice. But the damage was already done. I was offended.

My dad had always liked Colton and saw him as the perfect match for me. But it hurt that he didn't even know Fabian, and he was already making assumptions.

I know I hadn't spoken to them about him, so 'mysterious guy' was probably appropriate in their eyes. I also had been spending every free second with Fabian, so he wasn't lying about that. I have been ditching my old friends lately, and I'll work on that. 

But temporary fling? 

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I simply stated, not wanting to argue. "I already ate." 

Rejected By My Bestfriend, Accepted By The BadboyWhere stories live. Discover now