Part 1

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Colored light from the billboard flickers over a bulle triddled sign: ROUTE 85. U.S. BORDER, EL PASO, TEXAS.

Beneath the sign is a LONG BLACK LIMOUSINE.

Cars whip past on the highway. Then A VAN passes, blasting some future version of Techno Latino Hip Hop. A SQUEAL OFTIRES OS. Now the music gets louder as the van returns,cruising slowly past the black limo before pulling into thelot. Five Bangers bail out and check out the black stretch.

The limo doors are locked, windows tinted, so they can't see what's inside, but they check out the tires and wheels andlike what they see. With the speed of a pit crew, they open the back of the van and out come TOOLS AND A JACK.

We move over the back bench, past empty bottles, fast food wrappers as A SLEEPING MAN'S FACE ratchets into frame. He opens his red eyes.

The man is LOGAN aka The Wolverine or more accurately, Drunk Wolverine. He blinks, dazed, feeling the car lurching upward.Older than we've seen him, he clutches a Tequila bottle.

As the back door opens, the tequila bottle drops to the dirt and A BOOTED LEG STEPS OUT.

Logan shuffles, stiff, to the other side of the stretch where the Bangers work, removing wheels, lit by colored light.

Logan: ...Uh. Please stop, guys. Those,..those are chrome plated lugs.

They all five turn. Some pull guns on the drunk limo driver.He just keeps talking, slurring some...

Logan: you're gonna strip 'em. Plating flakes off, you know...

A Jittery Banger cocks his shotgun.

Logan: It's a lease, you know, and no one wants to pay to ride in a--

-- THE JITTERY BANGER FIRES. Blows Logan right off his feet.

Logan: Fuck.

Hey everyone the author her just to let you know now might be a good time to talk about "fights" described in the pages. Basically, if you're on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying, CG fuckathon, this ain't your movie.

In this flick, people will get hurt or killed when shit fall son them. They will get just as hurt or just as killed if they get hit with something big and heavy like, say, a car. Should anyone in our story have the misfortune to fall off a roof or out a window, they won't bounce. They will die.

As for our hero with his so-called eternal life and healing.Well, he's older now. If you keep reading, you'll discover Logan's about to get his ass kicked. But before we get to that, we should make it clear his abilities ain't what they were. Yes, he's a drunk, but he's also fading on the inside.Adamantium implants leeching into his system, causing chronic pain and diminished healing, hence booze as painkiller.

So by all means, go ahead and worry about him.Now where were we? Oh, yeah--

As the smoke settles, a CROWBAR-toting Banger angrily chews out Jitters in Spanish for firing. The others resume their work... none aware of Logan slowly getting up, till --

Logan: Guys... seriously...(gets to his feet)You don't wanna do this.

The Bangers react to Logan with bafflement. Ad-lib Spanish reactions, nervous chuckles --

CROWBAR presses down JITTER'S gun as he moves to Logan.

We hear a familiar SNIKT! as claws slowly extend from one of Logan's hands, then mostly extend from the other. Logan is still frowning at his bad hand when--

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