Part 10

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Logan, (Y/N) and Laura head north under a sign that reads:



Overlooking a small lake. LOGAN finishes covering CHARLES GRAVE. Its physically hard for him to do this. Now he stands there, trying to think of what to say. He looks at--

LAURA AND (Y/N), on the other side of the grave, a few steps back. Laura and (Y/N) takes their sunglasses off. Takes the ear buds out of Laura's ears. Ready to hear his words.

BACK TO-- LOGAN. He looks back at the grave, then out at the lake. Clears his throat. His eyes are sallow, his skin pale.

LOGAN: Well. It's got water and... it's...

Logan just halts. He looks down and sees-- Laura, taking his hand in hers, the same way that Kathryn did with Will at the farmhouse. She looks up at him.

LOGAN: --it's got water and it's --

Unable to contain himself, Logan pulls back his hand.

LOGAN: ...Fuck this...

He starts away, limping, with the shovel. Only now do we realize just how ravaged Logan's body still is from his battle with X-24. Blood stains everywhere.

Laura and (Y/N) stands there, staring as --

Logan stumbles to the equally ravaged pickup truck. He tosses the shovel in back and grunts something at Laura and (Y/N) like "come on!" When they don't move, he curses and gets in the truck, but it won't turn over. He starts cursing again and gets out and pops the hood.

A dog barks. Laura and (Y/N) looks out across the landscape.

Downstream a quarter mile, A MAN crosses from a STATION WAGON with his Labrador, pole on his shoulder, tackle box in hand.

Laura looks back down to Logan. He has collapses in front of the car in a heap.


Logan lies, hooked to an IV on a small bed. He coughs and opens his eyes. He is in the examination room of some sort of small-town walk-in clinic. The place is decorated in a Rocky Mountain style. Out the windows, granite peaks. An Old Doctor stands over him. He has a soulful face, a bolo tie and big belt buckle. Reminds one of Richard Farnsworth.

OLD DOCTOR: Welcome back. I was starting to think I was gonna have to tell that nice little girl who's getting comforted by her boyfriend or friend or something, out in the waiting room that her daddy's gone.

Logan notices the EKG monitor connected to him. The Doctors its down and smiles...

OLD DOCTOR: I always hoped I would get a chance to meet someone like you. There's so few of you left.

LOGAN: ...Nice to meet you too, Doc, but I need to get on my--

He tries to sit up, but the old doctor puts a hand on him.

OLD DOCTOR: What you need is rest... and treatment. You need to check yourself in somewhere and--

LOGAN--I'm alright. I'm fine.

OLD DOCTOR: No. You're not. I mean, I know you're different. But that doesn't change the fact that something inside you is poisoning you. You need to check yourself into a hospital and run some tests, find out what it is.

LOGAN: ...I know what it is.

Logan pulls off the wires and tubes and gets up.


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