Chapter 43|Mine

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I'm sorry it took so long.

Asher's POV

I stared blankly at the steering wheel in thought. Blake sat beside me silently and I could feel his eyes boring holes into the side of my head.

I didn't want to move but I knew I had to. I had to be sure what I found out wasn't real and everything I lost wasn't in vain. But I just couldn't move.

Blake sighed tiredly, "we've been sitting here for twenty minutes man," he complains.

I swallow silently and look up from the steering wheel then turn to him. He was staring at me, waiting for a reply.

"Blake, I need you to be honest with me," I start, my voice sounding weak as I desperately tried to swallow down my emotions. "Am I a bad person?" I ask.

Blake seemed shocked by my question and shook his head instantly, "ofcourse not."

His answer slightly aggravated me. Even if it was true or not it was not what I want to hear and was not convincing enough. The last thing I need right now is a lie, everyone's been calling me a villian these days.

I always knew I was never a good guy, but it hits different when the people you love and want to give the world to speak like they see you thesame way your enemies do.


"Look what you did! She's gone because of you! You fucking ruined her!" Jasmine cries, throwing a vase on a nearby wall, causing it to shatter and leave ceramic shards and fake flowers on the ground. I gave no instant reply and made sure my face gave nothing away.

"I tried to stop her from finding out about Rhea," I say calmly after a long silent minute while staring down at Jasmine. It's been a week and we've been searching for Bianca non-stop but we have no clue where she is, and Jasmine isn't happy about that.

"About Rhea?!" She snaps laughing angrily with hot tears strolling down her cheeks. "How about all the trauma you've caused her? She was doing so much better! You just had to drag her back into your life because you couldn't move on. And for what? Her to loose her freaking mind? How do you think she would feel finding out she lost everything chasing a lie?"

Her words stung but she was right.


I wasted everyone's time. Including mine. I wasted people's lives for this, I have so many graves on my back it's starting to crack me, but I won't break. I can't.


"What do you mean you can't find her?" I snap at Justin. He was one of my men and was leading the search for Bianca in a part of town. It's been five days since Bianca left and we haven't stopped.

He sat at the opposite side of my table staring at me fearfully.

"We looked everywhere sir. It's like she just vanished," he says timidly, keeping his eyes low.

My jaw clenched angrily, the police have been searching for her too, if we don't find her first she'll go to prison and I can't let that happen. I opened my mouth to speak just as the phone rang.

I didn't waste a second and picked the call. It was Michael.

"Boss, you'll never believe what we found," Michael says over the phone.

My heart beat escalated at the thought of them finding Bianca. "Did you find her?"

"No," Michael says, crushing my hope. "But we found something big."

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