Chapter 35- clipboards

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I sent this to my friend and he called me wierd for o hisoka, I am deeply offended.

My school ends this week! So I'm tok ably going to be updating more during the summer. :)


As it turns out, there are many, many rich Neiborhoods in the area that the photo was taken... too many. The three investigators were interviewing people around the streets for about 4 hours just to find the "wealthy" neiborhoods, then they had to try to match the interior design of the photos leaked, with the exterior designs of the homes, then thy had to go door to door disguised as a "seller for personalized clip boards", so far, there was absolutely no one. they did get paid by a few people just to leave them alone, so that was a plus, kind of.

"do you think we're going off the rails? We might want to go back, look at us man? We're running around in circles." Officer oikawa spoke, he had grown gradually annoyed through this process, he knew that finding them would be necessary, that is if the lead was right, but this just made him feel stupid, and helpless. This just felt utterly pointless, and his frustration was showing bright as day.

"I know, fuck ... this is for the girl remember? We haven't had a case like this since that one guy who killed all those people in the park, and even then it was simple, there is too much at risk here, and we cant back out now, think of all the people that died, we cant just-" the other relplied to the doubtful saying, before he could continue he was cut off by the sudden interference frm the wn whoo was driving in the front seat.she held her hand up and waved to the two officers, the mask was still placed on her face, covering most of her features, she was silently teelling for them to have theirs the same.

"I think we've found our house" the two gave her a blank stare, knowing that she had said this multiple times before  "no i promise i think    it's for real this time, ive been in this house before, it has the family crest on the front door and everything." she seconded her statement,     pointing towards the initials and the metal engraved flower on the side gate. The house... was huge, like not just a mansion, it looked like three mansions combined into one. This did nto come as a surprise to nay of them, although the scenery is marvelouse, it's expected for th richest family in the world to  a humongous house

"Damn... that's a big ass house." oikawa remarked from the backseat, wile eren got his fake messenger bag wit a clipboard, somehow they managed to put together a whole fake company, a catchphrase and everything,  it all was write down on a neat sheet of paper, credit goes to ms kim for that, if the two officers tried to write it down it would be a chicken scratch. It was actually against code of consduct to bring in someone else for private business, but they were already bending a lot of rulesfor you, might as well shatter company policy. No way that this could be a bad idea... nope

"Indeed it is... you guys ready, we don't know what could happen in there." oikawa spoke, covering his oh so "beautiful" face by pulling the mask up, he just hopedthat this wasnt another fale lead, that would suck big time, the two (ms kim stayed in the car for good measure, on a call with the officers) opened the door and pu on their "nice salesperson faces"  and walking up the long, long staircase. Noticing the many cameras littering the walkway. It's quite unsettling.

And so.... They rang the doorbell.

----------------------------------inside the fleur estate-------------------------------------------------------------

yo u spent the morning snooping around the house, trying to act the least suspicious as you could, of course they did notice, and tried to distract you with a varing amount of different things. Anything would be better than this, this heavy pit of dread that dragged you down with every step you took, you knew b/n was real, the memories in your head weren't fake... they could be. You were just hoping to find something, anything about where he could be.

"You need to calm down honey, you're stressing yourself out over a little dream, we're all here for you" your mother spoke out, see, you could be a complete idiot (as you've been this entire time by trusting these people) and completely rebebel against these your family, but in doing so you would just raise suspicion, by a whole fucking ton. So instead you are choosing to be quiet and try to figure things out in your own without going insane.

The scary thing is, that they actually have you second geusssing your life, it sounds vey flesh at, but was your entire life just a lie? A dream? That shit is way to confusing, you kindof want to shrivel up in a ball and die, but of course you couldn't do that... yet

"Oka-" you started your reply, pulling yourself out of your own thoughts, not before a loud bell sound bellowed through the house, succesfully scaring the life out of you. Keep in mind that you lived in a house that didn't even have proper lighting systems, let alone a doorbell, so your souls almost left your body when a fucking ding dong rings through the house.

Your mother does at your wieners eyes, placing a Kiss upon your forehead, and smiling, she the. Covered your ears.

"ILL GET IT!!!!" Slade yeled/screamed as he flew down the stairs, apparently being the first to get the front door was like a competition. You couldn't participate, because you had the body of a squirrel, and you would get so lost on your way to the front door, your mother and you were sitting on a few couches near the front, a huge panel of windows was displayed aside you.

"I THINK THE FUCK NOT!!!" Cadaver zoomed past the two of you, and it was a head in race between them, and... ace opened the door, when did he even get there? How did he just- can ace teleport? Yes he can apparently. when the large door was opened it revealed two people, both in all black with masks that covered up tot heir noses, little pubs were attached to the masks that read "support small buisnesses".

"Hello sir, may I interest you in a   complementary customizable clipboard, all funds are donated to the nationwide movement against domestic abuse." The man chirped with clear intention of being "nice", his eyes scanned you over for a moment, almost as if to look for any injuries, but then flickered back to the huge man in front of him. This guy rivaled Ace's height, which is quite the surprise.



This is very much a filler chapter so you can gym a basic idea of what's about to go down

Anywho, I've been sending "🥺🔪" to my friend, and occasionally "🐷🔪" we cackle at like three in the morning at random shit like that.

Anywho, have the best day today, bye bye :)


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