Ready, set, launch!

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This day has finally arrived! Thank you so much for sticking with me, you guys. I wish I could hug every one of you!

My publisher saw how incredibly supportive you guys are and thought you deserve a reward. So for today, the book is on sale on Amazon at a discounted price!

If a lot of us get the book today at exactly 12:00 pm EST, then the book gets the chance to become an Amazon bestseller. This will put the book on top of Amazon's list, making it easy to spot. This may also increase the chance of putting it in bookstores.

Wouldn't it be cool to see this once sweet, small story you first saw on Wattpad now on the shelves of your local bookstore, or, if we're incredibly lucky, on the big screen?  You can make that happen!

So here is your mission: On my blog, there is a countdown timer. When it reaches 00:00:00, refresh the page. A link will then appear. Click it and the book is yours!

If you're really itching to get your hands on the book right now, it's already available on Amazon. But if you can, please wait until the countdown timer stops.

Please leave a review. Tell Amazon book buyers how much you love this book and why they should read it. I appreciate your thoughts on the book; they helped a lot in making it.

Now go, my army of bookworms! Get your hands on The Demon Alpha while it's fresh from the oven. (Not to mention, cheap!)

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now