Sᴋɪʟʟғᴜʟ - 8

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Later, as both Y/n and Fushiguro were resting in their rooms, Gojou has returned and gathered Itadori and Nobara in their classroom.

"So, how did the mission pass? Were there any troubles?" - He asked his students with a serious look on his face.

The two kept quiet for a bit.

"We went out fine, but Fushiguro and Y/n got hurt. Especially Y/n..." - Itadori said, lowering his head.

"Hm? How so?" - Gojou wondered but got some concerning thoughts about what might have happened.

"We split in two groups, she was with Fushiguro." - Nobara explained what they planned. - "We took the second floor while they remained on the first one."

"I see. So neither of you know what had happened to them." - Gojou said as if confirming the rest of what Kugisaki said.

They nodded.

Suddenly, they heard the door being opened and saw Y/n standing there.

"E-eh! Wh-what are you doing here, Y/n?! Shouldn't you be resting?" - Itadori rushed to her and asked in a concerned tone.

Y/n nodded. - "Don't worry, I am fine." - She made a small smile that soon faded and her expression became serious.

So did Gojou's.

"Y/n, tell me everything that happened on your mission." - He said in a demanding and worried tone.

Y/n kept quiet for a bit then spoke.

"There was a high-grade curse."

Itadori and Kugisaki widened their eyes while Gojou furrowed his brows. An angry and annoyed yet worried look could be seen even with the mask covering his eyes.

"Me and Fushiguro fought versus a first and a high-grade."

"I see..." - Gojou said with a serious look on his face.

Silence filled the room until he began to speak again.

"I'm sorry."

The three of them looked at him, his students with confused looks on their faces.

"I should have been more careful and expected this to happen."

"Eh? What do you mean, sensei?" - Itadori asked confused.

"The mission I gave you was assigned by the higher-ups. I suppose it was either to eliminate Yuuji or reveal Y/n's location."

With the said Itadori's and Kugisaki's eyes widened.

"I should have expected there would be more than what was in the information. I'm really sorry about this." - He said in a sad tone.

"It's alright, sensei. It's not your fault." - Itadori tried to reassure him. He clenched his fists. - "But to think they would get this far and end up hurting one of our friends."

All of them stood silent for a while. Soon Kugisaki began.

"There was something strange though." - Gojou looked at her in confusion. - "The first and the other lower grades we fought suddenly vanished."

"Vanished?" - Gojou asked confused.

"Yeah, that was before we went down to Fushiguro and Y/n." - Itadori confirmed.

"Vanished you say..." - Gojou thought about something right after repeating her words. Soon after, he lifted up his head and looked at Y/n. - "Did you... Do something while fighting the high-grade curse?"

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