Part 53 - Truth Will Set You Free

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"I will deal with you when I'm ready," Jase continued staring at the marble surface, his body hunched in primal restraint. 

"Deal with me?" Paige stood with the dizziness of anger and adrenaline. "What are you going to do? Tie me to a chair? Lock me in a room with a bucket?" The flash of rage instantly took hold. She was angry with Jack, shaken up and angry with herself, even. But Jase's tone hit the nerve Paige tried her utmost to soothe every day, this time a boldness taking her to a place she hadn't dared to go to before. 

"Sit down and shut up!" Jase slammed an open hand onto the marble with his back still towards her, feeling the sting in his palm. His brain barely had time to process the image of Jack's hand reaching for her before the surge of white fury dismissed any rational thought, and it still pulsed in his veins.

"You know what? I can't... I've fucking had enough, I can't do this anymore," Paige shook her head to dispel the frustrated tears that threatened to form. Jase turned around, inhaling deeply to settle his temper.

"You think you have a choice in how this goes?" His features settled, illuminated by the muted lighting of the kitchen. 

"It's my fucking life! My life! I should have a fucking choice. I can't live like this anymore, this dynamic between us, it's so toxic-"

"We would never have this problem if you-"

"If I what!? Obeyed your every order without question? Never left the apartment?" She scoffed in vexation. Jase took a step closer to Paige's furious form, his green gaze hard and unrelenting. She was, without a doubt, the most frustrating and complicated assignment he'd ever had. Somewhere along the way, he'd forgotten what he was doing there. The emotional eruption she'd had in the throes of PTSD flashbacks had made it piercingly clear he was the single biggest threat to her livelihood. If Lorres and the agency were cooling off, and would take her on to keep her close, Jase forced himself to believe it would be the better option for both of them. 

"Why are you so against your own personal safety?" 

"Because no one will tell me what I'm being protected against! You want me to believe it's a vague threat of IS and a fatwa on my head?" The torrent of suppressed thoughts and theories she had been burying burst to the surface. "You think I don't know your real job is me? It's not to protect me, is it? Is it?" She repeated, watching Jase's features closely as they changed; defensive, guarded... 

"You have no idea what you're talking about," he replied eventually, his voice a low growl. 

"Then enlighten me! Stop 'protecting' me from my own life!" 

"I'm not arguing with you over this. I don't argue, Paige. You want to work with the agency, go ahead. Once those papers are signed I won't be a part of your life anymore," Jase's tone was cautiously yielding, the same exhaustion Paige felt laced through the words.

"That's all I wanted," she muttered weakly. It was the truth, and somehow she knew it was also a lie. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine working with Jack," he smirked joylessly. 

"I've managed to stomach you after everything you did, haven't I?" Paige retorted hotly. She regretted it the moment the words escaped her lips, and in the same instance was furious with herself for that. He deserves none of my kindness, none of my understanding or patience. Jase nodded despondently, hands on his hips as he processed the harsh statement. He rubbed his face wearily with a large hand, displaying a newly scuffed and bloodied knuckle. 

"I can't believe I'm explaining this; but if you can't see the difference between someone performing under duty and orders, and someone getting drunk and assaulting you in the street when he gets you alone; then you're not as clever as I thought." 

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