Chapter 10: Best Friend Interrogation Time

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"You kissed?"

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"You kissed?"

"Shh!" I glance around us at the swimming pool to make sure my friend's shrieking wasn't loud enough to attract an audience. Fortunately, the loud bubbling of the hot tub drowned her out enough that no one seems to have noticed.

"I can't believe you waited until now to tell me!" Amy says, her brown eyes accusatory.

"Well, in my defense, we were busy swimming until now. I don't enjoy talking while doing lengths." Mainly because I always somehow swallow a mouthful of water when I try.

"So, who is this guy? Tell me everything!" Other than my sister, Amy is probably the person most wanting me to find someone. She longs for double dates and couple's game nights.

"As I said, he's my neighbor, and I helped him with his bunny. Well, bunnies now. And he's a very good kisser." I blush when a burst of warmth rushes through me as I remember his kisses from the other night. "Actually, make that amazing kisser."

"Oh, I remember you saying you had a hot new neighbor, but you never told me you'd gone on a date! You're a terrible friend! I've been with the same guy since high school. You need to tell me these things so I can live vicariously through you!" She nudges my shoulder playfully. "Tell me more!"

"Nothing wrong with having found the love of your life early. And you're getting married soon!"

She gasps. "Will you bring him to the wedding?"

I hadn't thought of that. The wedding is still three weeks away. In the dating world, that's like an eternity. It's much too early to ask him to join me for that. A plus one to a wedding is a big deal. Not really a casual hookup kind of date.

"It's too soon for that."

"Never too soon!" She scoffs. "Anyway, you were about to tell me all the juicy details of this kiss."

I laugh. "Was I?"

She sighs dramatically, leans her head back against the tub's headrest, and closes her eyes. "Fine. Don't. You never tell me anything fun."

"I rarely have anything to tell. This is my first kiss in... Longer than I care to contemplate." I try to remember my last one and fail. Was it that accountant my sister set me up with? He shoved his tongue down my throat on the first date when saying goodbye at my door. That was nearly six months ago. I've only been on two dates since, and one of them ended prematurely when work called me in for an emergency.

"Your love life is even more boring than mine," Amy complains.

"At least you have one."

She opens one eye to peer at me, a grin playing on her lips. "From what I'm hearing, now you do too."

My cheeks heating is definitely from the hot water, and nothing else. "It was only a kiss," I mutter.

We sit in companionable silence for a while, enjoying the relaxing bubbles enveloping us. It's our usual treat after our weekly swim. I close my eyes and shift slightly so one jet hits a stiff muscle in my shoulder. It's been aching since I had a particularly large dog make a sudden pull while I was still holding onto its collar. The water massaging my aching muscle is bliss, and I wish I had a hot tub at home.

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