4| quatro

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This is the English translation of what goes through the mind of a girl who only speaks Portuguese. This chapter has a picture of Camilla.

Enjoy this chapter and I'm requesting you to please vote and comment. Even if it is a word, I will be so happy, because I know I have your support. Thanks!


10:00 PM

"If you're going to be such a pussy about this, you ain't gonna get any tonight."

On hearing the excitement from the man's ecstatic voice, the few remaining girls got ready again, making Delilah proud. Anika and I just wordlessly stood together, wearing the same exhausted look. I don't think Delilah was happy about that, at all. I studied the floor in silence, head facing down. There was a small bruise on my chin.

A big smile suddenly graced upon Delilah's features when the two men sauntered inside. Both of them hadtan skin, as if it had been kissed by the sun itself. The first man had a brazen look on his excited face, with a cigarette between his tattoed fingers. It was like a smaller version of Delilah's cigars. His eyes were dark but had a sort of boldness in them, not the mad glint, but clearly stood out as the dominating feature. Something about his presence changed the atmosphere, atleast what I had felt, but I was proved wrong as his presence provoked the girls.

The girls were lined up, and he seemed ready as ever. I could make out that their half nakedness was only making him more sexually frustrated.

"Well, well, we have new clients," came Delilah's voice.

The man answered in fluent portuguese, which surprised me.

"Yes, Lars told my brother and I about this place," he said, gesturing to the man beside him.

"What would you two gentlemen like tonight?" Delilah asked with a cheeky smile. "We've got a list of activities."

She handed him a sheet, which was a tariff. It even described the various activities that included BDSM, fetishes and acts of the same sort.

"Athelio," the first man said, reading the list.


"Pick a girl. Or a go for a threesome."

"Alright. I'll take a girl."

The second man studied everyone carefully. I occasionally kept glancing up from the floor to see what was happening, but avoided eye contact with anyone. He went around smiling at the girls, asking them pointless questions and making pointless remarks. His brother was a bit more crude with his words.

The man named Athelio had extremely light-coloured eyes which was the first thing that anyone would catch if they glanced at him. They were in contrast with the colour of his skin, and even more with his brother, as they seemed to have a softer gaze; a calmness. But I wasn't deceived, I only kept shifting uncomfortably as he went through the line as people went through plates of food.

"You're an extremely pretty girl," I heard him say to someone. His Portuguese was fluent.

Today night we had something akin to carnival themed lights, rather than the usual dulled neon. But it was still a dimly lit place with various paraphernalia hanging from the roof, such as vague lanterns and colourful bulbs. Delilah had decided to change a few things around here.

The man came closer to the back, where Anika and I were leaning behind the counters. She exchanged a nervous look with me. This tactic of standing behind had worked until this man decided to explore the place.

His tall frame towered over Anika, as she was a short girl with a petite body. She looked up at him with her round, water-blue eyes. He smiled at her and gave her a compliment. I don't think I will ever understand clients when they say something good, but have bad intentions.

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