small teaser

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  "What i have  done wrong with you sanjana ,?tell me . I never stopped you from anything i have made you complete your education ,i allow you to wear western dresses of your choice ,i never inteffered in your life ,did i ask you about anything that offended you ,i never forced myself on you because for me your feeling, your comfort comes first . And what i ask you in return just to maintain the dignity which comes with the name of my family ,to never hurt my family and what you have donejust opposite of this .Yesterday my family has to look down because of you .,they have to hear rubbish from those relatives who never has the courage to stand infront of us .My family accepted you without bothering about your status or your family background ,they all loved you wholeheartedly. And see what have you done to them.The club incident was taken as a mistake but you misbehaved with me infront of family members only ,so dadaji told me not to scold you for that as it was an accident .And the witness are only the family members only .But this time you have gone far way ."

" Sorry ' sanjana said sobbing.

As i am not updating today so i thought ishould give you a glimpse from upcoming chapters

Hope you like it .

Stood by you  .Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora