31 - Kiersten

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The fourth quarter comes to a close. The crowd is deflated and the team defeated. Any hope of our first season win crumbled in the third quarter with our defense. We're down by 21 points, leaving no room for a comeback. Another game lost.
Disappointed fans filter out of the stadium with their heads hung low. At least what's left of them. The stands thinned out at the end of quarter three when they were forced to accept the reality that Matt was down for the count. He wasn't returning and neither was our chance at winning.

Hoping to see Matt before he goes home, Teddy and I wait behind the bleachers. Our eyes stay focused on the locker room keeping a lookout for any signs of a strawberry blonde boy with glasses. Our shoulders sink lower each time a player steps out that's not him.

"Hey Kiers," I hear from behind.

Relief washes over me when I see Whitney, Bridgette, and Sal on their way to us. If anyone knows what's going on, it's the three of them.

"Is Matt okay?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no. It's not clear," Whitney says, eager to share the hot goss. "But, get ready for this, Ruthie thinks it was some dirty revenge plot orchestrated by Hayden to take Matt out Nancy Kerrigan-style. Matt goes out, Hayden goes in. Pure sabotage."

"You really think he would do that?" I say. 

Sure, there's bad blood between Hayden and Matt, but he told me he was going to take care of it. Apologize and put it behind them. He hasn't mentioned anything that would indicate Hayden was going to retaliate, especially not to this extent. But knowing Matt, he was probably too proud to tell me.

"Oh, yeah," Whitney says confidently. "My sources are never wrong, honey."

My worries deepen and settle into my stomach. I turn my attention to Sal, hoping he'll deny Whitney's story, but the somber look on his face tells me it's true.

"She's right," Sal confirms. "Hayden's been after him at practice all week. I thought for sure when Mr. Purdy told him he wasn't playing tonight, he'd go berserk. It was weird though. He was completely calm. Telling Mr. Purdy he understood, apologizin,' acting all innocent. I think he was trying to cover his tracks. Put himself in Mr. Purdy's good graces, so no one could accuse him of nothing."

"Do you think he bought it?" Teddy asks.

"No way," Sal shakes his head. "Ever since Monday, he's flipped a switch. He hasn't let anything slide. Heck, he made a guy run a mile just for looking at Matt wrong. He's gone full-on Papa Bear on their asses."

"Well, good," Bridgette says. "They deserve it."

Our friends nod in agreement, but I can't get my one-track mind to focus. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy that Hayden is getting his comeuppance, but restitution can't heal broken bones.

"But is Matt okay?"

"I'm sorry, Kiers, I don't know. Mr. Purdy's got him on lock. He ain't letting anyone near him."

"Not even you?"

"I tried," Sal says. "He told me to give him space and that he'd let me know when he knew something. He seemed pretty shaken up, so I let him be."

I nod my head sadly and try to reconcile with the not-knowing. It can't be that bad, I convince myself. He was up and walking around and even wanted to continue playing. Surely, he has to be fine.

Still, I wish I knew.

"So, do we want to wait for him?" I ask the group.

I know what my answer is, but who knows, with Mr. Purdy keeping Matt so close to the hip, we may be waiting all night.
"Mr. Purdy's probably planning to take him straight home," Bridgette says.

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