(Updated) Chapter 3- Crash into You

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My first three classes are over. They went by pretty fast and I like all of my teachers so far.  True to her word, Payton continues to have my back between each period.  Every time the bell rang she was there, right outside my classroom door, waiting to pick back up where we left off. Her effortless friendly demeanor makes conversation easy between us and with each passing hour I'm feeling a little less like the "new girl" and more like normal Lila. Payton does most of the talking between us, unsurprisingly, but that's actually how I prefer it. Having her fill in the gaps in conversation takes the pressure off me. What is surprising is how I can already feel myself getting comfortable enough to open up to her. I never would have expected so soon after meeting that I'd feel this way. It's like I've known Payton a lot longer than just one day. Maybe Payton is right, I think we actually could turn into really good friends like she says which has me feeling pretty optimistic about moving to Romeo at the moment.

Payton wasn't lying when she said she knows everyone in this school.  Everywhere we walk she greets and gets greeted by students passing us. They all seem to genuinely know and like her, no matter what clique, sport, club or whatever they are apart of. I hate to say it, but when Payton first mentioned she was a cheerleader I instantly judged her. I thought she'd be some popular girl whose a stuck up snob but that couldn't be any further from who she is. I'm learning Payton doesn't have a mean bone in her body and I feel bad for judging her unfairly.

"Alright chicka, here we are. Room 302. I'll be back to get you after. Can't wait to introduce you to my girlfriends at lunch. They're gonna love you!"

"Alright sounds good." I say with a smile.

"See ya in a bit!" Payton calls over her shoulder, walking away.

Before I step into my Advanced English class I watch Payton grab the arm of a cute senior guy she introduced me to earlier. I think his name was Jake, maybe? He blushes a little when Payton's hand lingers on his bicep and I don't miss the way her cheeks also get a little rosey when he smiles at her. I'm not certain, but looks to me like there's a little spark between them. It's funny, after all the things Payton has shared with me today she failed to mention having a crush on anyone. I guess that just proves we all have some shy parts in each of us.

My English class is only a few doors down from my third hour Spanish II class. Which means it only took Payton about fifteen seconds to escort me from one room to the other. I probably could have handled that one on my own but I won't tell Payton that. She's taking her job as my chaperone very seriously and I appreciate it, even when it's unnecessary.
Rather than get into class obnoxiously early, no doubt having to suffer through awkward small talk with my teacher, I decide to head to the bathroom down the hall. On my way I notice a freshman girl standing at her corner locker. She looks completely overwhelmed which I instantly recognize and can relate to. She's petite, probably no more than ninety pounds soaking wet but she's tryin to stack giant textbooks one on top of the other into a lifesize game of Jenga. I decide to see if I can help her out since I have the time. After all, if it weren't for Payton being a friendly face to me today I'd be in a lot worse shape myself. Before I can reach the girl, the top book in her stack begins to fall off the edge. An impending avalanche is imminent.  Instinctually I leap into action without thinking. I'm not joking, I literally leap.

I'm catapulting myself through the air as if I'm on the competition floor performing one of my tumbling routines. I grab the falling book in mid air before my feet can even reach the ground. I'm feeling a little bit like a hero in this moment. In my mind I'm giving myself a metaphorical pat on the back for helping this poor girl out and saving her from embarrassment.


I hit something, or shall I say someone, like a frate train. The unsuspecting person was coming around the corner at the exact moment I was landing my epic leap. All I saw before impact was a blur of dark clothing, then we tumbled to the floor.  After a very ungraceful thud, we both settle on the ground in a heaping pile of books, papers and tangled limbs. I am mortified. Just dig me a hole right here and bury me. That'd be better than opening my eyes to face the person I just tackled like an NFL linebacker in front of countless passerbyers.

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