❆Second Chance (07)

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~L I L Y~

"I WAS JUST ABOUT TO TAKE HIM HOME, SO WE'LL GET GOING!" Jack says, handing a book to Zeke which I saw fall when he came running into my arms.

I nod, "great and Zeke, don't ever leave the house without your mommy's permission, okay?"

"But you know she always says I can't go out and she will say no if I ask!" Zeke objects, pouting.

Alex has been really protective of Zeke, even though she didn't really want him in the first. She loves him and I can tell by the way she always tries to keep him in the house or near to her.

"She is trying to keep you safe, Zeke." I caress his arm as he sighs.

"Okay," he nods.

"Why don't you go wait in the car, it's the black one right here in front," Jack hands Zeke the keys as he rushes out the door. When he's gone, Jack looks at me and raises his brow. "So is there a reason why he can't leave without his mother?"

"Alex is very protective of Zeke and there are a few things I can't go into detail with you but I can tell you that no matter what, she loves Zeke a lot and does not plan on losing him," I answer as we slowly stroll over to his car.

When we get outside, the chilly weather of November hits me with the coldness of having to get out of bed in the morning. Away from the warm comfiness. Jack nods to his car, presumably telling me to go with him.

"Oh, no no. I have to help Linda with the bookstore. I can't leave right now!" I laugh, shaking my head in playful disbelief.

He shrugs, "it's just to drop Zeke off while we will probably stop for ice cream too."

"Are you out of your mind? It's so cold for ice cream!" I protest, dramatically flailing my freezing arms in the air.

"Zeke wants ice-cream, so I'll get him ice-cream!" He laughs. I know he is probably kidding so I just roll my eyes and walk back to the bookstore. "Come on, Lily! I haven't seen most of my high school friends. This will be a way for us to catch-up."

I turn around, looking at him. He has a point but that point doesn't mean I'm going to consider leaving my job to drop of Alex's son with my boss and supposedly high school friend.

"Fine!" I groan after some moments of contemplating.

I shiver from the cold weather as I get into Jack's car, the owner following after me. When we're inside, Jack puts on the heater and I immediately start purring. I don't know why I did but when I lay my eyes on the two boys before me, I instantly blush.

No way they heard me.

Oh, but they did.

Oh my gosh, why am I so embarrassed? Is it normal to purr? I mean, it is very cold and the warmth of the heater is overwhelming majority of my body heart. 

The boys share a look before they shrug with a laugh. Zeke immediately starts reading his book and Jack puts on some country side music. I honestly thought he'd start playing Christmas music, I mean who doesn't when it's a month close to Christmas.

"So. . ." I trail with a tight-lipped smile, "Linda told me that there is a new bookstore just down the road of your dad's and they have been “stealing” your customers," I use my fingers for quotation marks emphasis and look over at Jack.

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