22. Gold Dust

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Vanessa put the necklace in her handbag. The moment her skin no longer touched the silver her wolf slammed into her with enough force to make her sway a little even sitting down. Where before the music had been loud, now it was deafening. She'd hardly noticed the perfumes and sweat of the other clubgoers before, but now it threatened to overwhelm her.

It took her a moment to realize that Green was asking something, another moment to separate his voice from all the other sounds.

"What?" she asked, trying to concentrate on his words.

"Are you okay? You looked odd?" he said. "Did the necklace hurt you?"

"No, I'm just..." and then she was caught up in his eyes again. With her werewolf-sight she could tell that they weren't all green. There were sparkles of gold in them and amber rings circled his pupils.

She took a deep breath and suddenly his scent was the only thing she could smell.

"Because you look a little..."

Green stopped talking when she leaned forward and kissed him. Finally a foolproof way to shut him up, she reflected before she became caught up in his taste and the feeling of having him so close to her.

It was a long time before either of them spoke again. Vanessa had managed to get her hands under his shirt and her thoughts, as much as she could think anyway, she seemed to have trouble concentrating, all circled around removing his clothes as quickly as possible. Green held her off.

"I think..." he panted. "I think we're moving a little fast."

"Fast?" Vanessa asked, thinking that fast was a brilliant idea.

"Let's... let's just sit here and..." he cut off, clearly not sure what he wanted them to do. Vanessa reached up to continue kissing him, but he turned her head and drew her into a hug instead.

Vanessa relaxed against his body for a moment. It was quite nice to simply sit there and lean against him. He was warm and soft and he smelled like... her thoughts trailed off as the music picked up again. A quivering, intense tune that made sitting still impossible. She pulled free of Green's grip and stood up.

"What are..." he cut off as she started dancing in front of him, moving to the music. She closed her eyes, but she could still feel his gaze on her.

When she reached out for his hand he joined her without a word. She wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her back onto the dance floor. The tune picked up speed and suddenly they were jumping and twirling along with the rest of the dancers. Vanessa lost her grip on Green as she was pushed into the fray. A guy with pointy ears and a light blue skin tone put his arm in hers and spun her around. Then he pulled her closer and she noticed gold dust clinging to his face. He let out a high-pitched laughter and let go off her again.

A man with antlers picked her up. She wondered if he was a shifter or something more ancient, but had no time to ask before she was spinning around with a woman who had purple hair and eyes like a cat. A witch, Vanessa decided when she felt tiny currents of electricity course through her where they touched. They felt exactly like the ones Letitia tended to accidentally send through her when she was agitated or excited about something.

The witch laughed and sent her twirling straight into the arms of the same golden snake woman Vanessa had come across earlier on the dance floor. The snake lady took her through a series of complicated movements that Vanessa wasn't quite sure how she managed to execute. The snake woman herself was moving in a way that made it clear she didn't have the joints a normal human would.

She leaned in towards Vanessa, rubbing her golden cheek against Vanessa's own.

"Come with me," the woman hissed seductively.

Green - a werewolf storyWhere stories live. Discover now