Tale 14

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Tale 14
Grand Banquet

“Duke why do you look upset?” Lilianna asked worriedly

“I.. I don’t know.” The Duke sigh

“Is there a problem? We’ve been apart for too long, a-are you having second thoughts about us?” Lilianna asked, she’s on the verge of tears.

Seeing her like this, the Duke immediately pulled her to his embrace to coax her, “That’s not true and you know that. You’re the only one for me.”


“Of course, you’re all I need.” He promised

“But the Duchess—”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her get in the way.”

“D-don’t hurt her, okay? Adele is my friend!”

The Duke didn’t respond, “Let’s not talk about that woman anymore.”

Lilianna smiled sweetly, “Okay, Duke. Let’s stop talking about her. Let’s forget about her.”


The Crown Prince is turning twenty four this year, and the King who adores his only son too much, throws a Grand Banquet as celebration.

Everyone kept glancing at the Duke of Lancaster who’s smiling sweetly to an unfamiliar woman.

“Ommmggg, I guess the rumours are true? The Duke have someone new.”

“Who is that woman? Why is she with the Duke?” asked one of the guests

“It couldn’t be.. Isn’t that Lady Lilianna? She used to be the Duke’s lover back during our academy days.”

“Are they back together?”

“I heard that the Duchess locked her self up in their mansion.”

“I heard she’d gone mad! She refused to step out or receive any guest.”

The guests continue to gossip with hushed voices.

Just then, a woman entered the hall.

Her long silvery hair and bright violet eyes caught everyone’s attention.

“The Duchess is here?!”

“Why did the Duchess of Lancaster showed up alone? And why is the Duke with a different partner?”

“What’s happening?”

“I thought the Duke of Sullivan is madly inlove with the Duchess?”

“What’s the meaning of this?”

Adelina who showed up late, walked in confidently wearing her black serpentine dress that accentuates her goddess-like body. Her long silvery hair is tied up in a bun with several glistening accessories. She’s so stunning that people can’t help but stare. This must be what it means when people praises a woman with beauty that can cause the downfall of a kingdom.

Lady Lilianna may be pretty, but her looks simply pales when compared to the Duchess.

Behind the Duchess is her Lady-in-Waiting, Lady Luella Salem who’s also dressed elegantly just like the Duchess.

Adelina gracefully walked passed the Duke, completely ignoring him.

“Good evening Duchess! And I’m glad you’re also here, Lady Luella. You’re both as beautiful as ever.” Greeted Devin with a bright smile, obviously happy to see Luella.

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