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Taehee looked back into Jungkook's eyes with equal longing feeling but she chose to look away from him to smile at all other figures present around her. She pulled the male by his arm more towards her before grinning hugely at the confused members.

"Meet Ryan, my boyfriend"

Her words sent dagger into Jungkook's heart as he stood there numb. The members threw a look of concern at their younger before Namjoon took control of the situation before stepping forward and congratulating them. One by one the others joined in while Jungkook stayed still in his position, eyes trained onto the ground.

Taehee's eyes found their way at Jungkook to see the boy's face showing no emotions which made her smile in small. She knew him, she knew how much he must hurt be him inside, how much it was paining him. Jungkook was a very sensitive man afterall. Her hands trembled to reach out to him but she couldn't. After a moment of his silent fights with himself he excused himself before disappearing somewhere in the crowd.

The man wearing black suit walked in with his fiancée walking closely beside him in red, looking absolutely gorgeous. As the powerful couple walked by, people couldn't help themselves from gushing over the elegant pair. Taehyung and Iseul smiled at everyone present in the huge hall as they greeted everyone.

You stood there looking at them with aching heart, messed up mind. You were seeing Taehyung after three whole months and you never thought you would see him again but in this situation. Your insides were screaming for you to run away from there but you stubbornly stayed there ready to witness everything, ready to witness your lover in the arms of someone else.

As if he could sense your presence and stares even in a room full of people, he suddenly looked up at you directly meeting your eyes. Taehyung gulped feeling his throat tightening and hands trembling as his heart clenched seeing you after so long.

He wanted to run to you and take you in his arms whispering 'I love yous' to you but it soon disappeared when memories of three months ago flashed before his eyes. His previous soft expression turned into a serious and stern one as he now looked at you with burning gaze.

You swore you could hear the cracking of your heart seeing the despise in his eyes, the eyes that once held love for you was burning with raging hate. You deserved it, you internally reminded yourself as you finally smiled at him with loving eyes.

Your smile did nothing but added more salt into his open wounds as he found himself gritting his teeth together. Where you taunting him? The thought made him scoff in disbelief as he finally looked away from you and walk forward intertwining his fingers with Iseul's.

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