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Lola, Cara and Queenie can't really remember what life was like before they became friends

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Lola, Cara and Queenie can't really remember what life was like before they became friends. They remember the day—the first day of year nine in secondary school during a chemistry class when Cara had been slotted into Lola and Queenie's class after being excluded from her old school for having too many attitude problems with her old teachers—but any memories before that seem to be lost; blurry.

The trio were quickly coined as the kids at the back of the class to watch out for by their teachers. They were the kids that wouldn't shut up during class but still ace the tests; the kids that stole the show at everything they did—whether it was a sporting event, an exam, a drama class production, the girls were just an enigma. Still are.

It's no surprise to anyone who knew the girls, that they went on to do amazing things. Imagine: a recently graduated commercial lawyer, a civil engineer and an up-and-coming model. It almost sounds like a joke; a lawyer, civil engineer and model walk into a bar...

At twenty-one years old, the girls have conquered everything they wanted to, and they did it all together. As always. That's what life is like for them—they do it together, win together, or they don't do it at all.

That's not to say they don't annoy the life out of each other every once and a while though.

"Cara, I swear to God—Cara, stop!" Lola screeches, kicking her legs as she struggles against the blonde's grip.

Cara has the brunette pinned under legs now, panting heavily at the amount of effort she had to put in to win. "Give me the remote."

"No," Lola protests. "I want to watch Drag Race."

"It's not your turn to choose." Cara grits out, still trying to rip the tv remote out of her best friend's hands.

Lola pouts, widening her eyes and giving Cara her best puppy dog expression. "But I'm hungover, I need my comfort show."

"Oh my God, do you two ever shut up?" Queenie groans, watching the pair safely from the other couch.

Cara looks at her other best friend expectantly. "Queenie, tell her to give me the remote."

Lola copies, finally dropping her puppy dog eyes. "Tell her to get off me, I can't bloody breathe."

Queenie rolls her eyes, repeating what the girls asked her to say in the most monotonous tone she can muster. Her eyes drop back to her phone at the sound of a notification and the second she reads the first part of the sentence at the top of her screen, a scream erupts from behind her lips.

Cara falls off of Lola's lap in shock, both girls staring at their friend in horror. Her scream sounded like she'd just witnessed a murder.

"What the fuck was that?" Cara pants, lifting herself from the floor and moving to join Queenie on the sofa with Lola following closely behind.

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