- 35: History repeating itself -

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*Hands over an Oreo*

Here's another chapter. I don't think I've taken this much time for any other chapter before but well.

Also my classes for college start soon, I just hope I'm able to update the story consistently even then.

Enjoy reading :)

Enjoy reading :)

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Ryder's P.O.V.

It's so weird how we grow sceptical whenever things go our way.

It's almost like our conscience knows that life can't be this good. Something's not adding up.

Well, my conscience has been that mocking voice in my head since the day things started going well for Miles and I.

My thoughts were just a bunch of:

Is this real?

Is this really happening?

That's impossible.

How's this possible?

And so on...

Now I know why.

My jaw ticked as I looked at the person behind the counter, looking at Miles with a confused frown.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Miles chuckled. "Ouch. Has it been that long, turn?" She said, tilting her head to the side.

Connor's eyes widened as he looked at Miles up and down, while I clenched my hands into fists.

"Mill?" He exclaimed, raising a hand to his mouth, as Miles nodded with a smile that would've been enough to make me melt if this idiot wasn't standing right in front of us.

And the stupid nickname. This guy is a weirdo.

'Look who's talking.'

"Oh my god!" He gasped, rushing around the counter towards us.

I had to use all the self control I had in me to, not pull Miles back when he pulled her into a hug and lifted her off the floor, while she squealed, wrapping her arms around Connor.

Perri exited the bathroom and spotted the interaction. She walked towards us and stood beside me with her eyebrows raised.

I noticed specks of red in her eyes as if she just cried, but I didn't point it out and just shook my head.

I moved towards the new guy who had taken Connor's place and told him my order before moving out of the line towards Miles.

"I can't believe it. It's you!" Connor's voice grabbed our attention as he finally put Miles down but didn't let go of her hands. "It's a totally new you. Honestly, I still can't believe that you're the same Mill, I knew."

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