Chapter 4

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Once we finished we all nodded my phone starts to ring and I pick up "Hello?" I ask.

"Its Toby, we have a little problem with the government need you here" he says before hanging up. I sigh and hug Megan before kissing Cas' head which had paint. "Be good, oh you can get take out" I say leaving.

I arrived and entered, the team gave me a puzzled look it was then I remember the paint fight. "Explain later" I say and they nod, "Turns out someone has hacked into our systems. The government" Happy says. I nod "Right" I reply. Paige sighs "They know all our personal information and everything on the hardrive" Toby says. I gulp "How did they crack it?" I ask, "We can't be certain but we do know that they will come for us soon" Sylvester contributes. "Get Ralph out of school call Cabe and make sure he knows then we will find a place to hang low" I say before my phone starts to ring. "Yes?" I ask slightly annoyed. "Daddy some men are here and they have Aunt Meg and me tied to chairs" I hear her whimper. "Its going to be okay I promise" I say rushing to my car. "WALTER WHERE YOU GOING?" I hear Toby yell. "Home" I reply before starting the engine. "Hey Cas you still there?" I ask, there was a mumble which I took as a yes. "Daddy they have guns" she whispers, I look at the road with a groan. It wasn't the government that took our information it was someone else. "I need to call Cabe my boss and get back up you will be able to hear me okay" I say, "Okay" she whispers. "Agent Galo" he answers, "Cabe I need men to my house now, they have guns and hostages with them" I say turning down a street. "How many hostages?" he asks. "Two" I respond, I stopped at a red light "How many men?" he asks. "I don't know" I respond. "Please Cabe" I say finally reaching my street. "Of course" he says before hanging up. My little girls voice came through "Daddy the man wants to talk to you" she says. I gulp and run up the stairs till I reach my apartment. I open the door and step inside. I see my sister Megan holding her hand even though they were both tied. Cas sat tied and a man held a gun to her head and the phone to her ear. "Ah Mr Walter O'Brien" a voice says as I walk over. "Walt" Megan says, Cas looks up at me and I notice the black eye. "What have you done to them?" I ask trying to buy time. "What does it matter?" the man asks, I close my eyes letting out a groan. "She is just an orphan" he said his accent was strong. The door burst open. "HOMELAND PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!" I hear Cabe shout. I notice one had removed the gun from Cas and Megan and ran over untying them. "Stop it" he hissed. He pointed a gun at my head and I stopped momentarily. I could tell Cas was crying and looked at her stroking her brown hair which had blue in it "Hey Cas shh it will be okay I promise" I whisper. I pull them both to the floor with their chairs as gun shots were fired. I untied Megan then Cas who I scooped into my arms. The fire stopped and I saw feet, I looked up at Cabe and smiled a little. "Glad you could make it" I say, Megan sighed while Cas let out a giggle. We all got up, I went to put Cas down but noticed she was still afraid. "The others have body guards on them and their families" Cabe said, I nodded. "Who's this then?" he asks. "My sister Megan and adopted daughter Cassandra, guys my boss" I say. Cas nods but hides her face slightly. Megan smiled a little, "Cassie why don't we get you ready for bed" Megan said. "But I haven't revised for the Quantum physics test" she said, Cabe sent me a look. "Hey I'll help you when your ready" I say and she nods before going to her room.

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