Denial In Portland

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Author's note: this is the second half of their trip to Portland

Going to my sister's home felt like going back to my own. Maybe it was because she smelled like my mother; her scent familiarly spiced with cinnamon and a whiff of something floral. Maybe it was because growing up she practically raised me when my mom worked long hours and had watched me become who I was. Maybe it was because she looked exactly like my mother, with her soft cheeks and long hair.

I didn't realize how much I missed Verónica until she was excitedly letting us into her apartment with open arms. Charlie waited while she hugged me, and then allowed her to embrace him with a shy smile on his face. I knew they'd get along well and I was right.

We sat at her center island and ate soyrizo tacos. Her place was a gorgeous luxury apartment, with granite countertops and a spiral staircase that led to a loft where her bedroom was. Thankfully she had two bedrooms, which meant me and Charlie would get the privacy I was beginning to desperately crave after our intimate day together.

By the time we were done eating tacos and drinking cabernet, it was ten at night. I was starting to get tired from the activities of the day, as well as all the food, and was thankful when she offered to show us our room. I could tell Charlie was tired too; he kept on nodding off into his wine glass and then sheepishly jolting whenever one of us spoke.

Once we had gotten to her apartment, Charlie hadn't made any moves to take my hand or sit too close to me, which I was grateful for. If he did that I couldn't reject him. We didn't have a label for what we were doing and I couldn't make sense of it myself, much less explain it to my nosy sister.

"I set up the futon as well." Verónica opened the door to her guest bedroom, where there was a queen-sized bed and a futon set up with blankets and a couple of throw pillows. "If either of you needs any extra blankets, there's some in the hallway closet. I'll turn up the heat so that you both don't freeze tonight."

After she left Charlie asked generously, "Do you want to take the bed? Seems fair since you're bigger than me. I don't mind the futon."

"We can both fit in the bed." I felt an unfamiliar heat rising to my face as I looked at the bed, thinking about possibly sleeping there with him. Was I seriously blushing? "I mean...only if you want." I stammered. "If not, that's cool. I'll sleep wherever."

A smile lit up his face. "Yeah," he agreed. "Of course we'd both fit."

"My sister is a pretty heavy sleeper," I said carefully.

He came closer.

"What exactly are you implying?" He teased. He was standing parallel to me, so close that our chests were almost bumping. His eyes flickered up to me, his lips curling into a smirk. "If I need to be quiet," he said in a low voice that sent a shiver down my spine. "I can be."

There is a certain procession that leads to sex. No matter how fast you get at it, there are always these few steps. First, the kissing. Then, the touching. Then, the sex. With Charlie I went through each phase slowly, never skipping a step. I liked to kiss him, relishing the way he reacted to my lips on his and how he would get excited when I started kissing him in other places. The touching was nice too, especially now that we were both getting used to one another's bodies. I was starting to become familiar with the curve of his back, the slope of his ass, and the ticklish spot behind his ears. I knew he liked when I pulled him close and placed my knee between his legs so that he could grind against it. I knew where my hands were supposed to go, and how I could use them to get the reactions I wanted.

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