An Explosive Ending

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Lottie stumbled back as the knife dug into her. Her heel caught against her other ankle and she fell.

Lord Campbell released the knife, his gaze locked on hers as her shoulder blades collided with the hard floor.

Her ears rang and the room swam around her. In the distance, a woman screamed.

With a roar, the sound returned full force to her ears. Her head rolled to the side and she watched as Sally lurched to her feet from behind the table.

Lord Campbell hissed in annoyance and spun around.

He can't escape, Lottie clenched her jaw and snagged his ankle before he could give chase.

"Run!" she gasped, unable to draw a full breath.

Sally's hands clutched her hair as she screamed again and ran for the stairs.

"No!" Lord Campbell kicked backward into Lottie's chest, sending her sliding across the floor.

Gaping senselessly for air, she rolled onto her back, gazing up at the moonlight glinting off the handle of the dagger embedded in her gut. Had Sally made it down the stairs in time to lock the door at the bottom of the stairs before Lord Campbell escaped?

As her mind grew blurry from the blazing pain in her stomach, one thought prevailed. She had to lock the door to the castle parapets before Lord Campbell returned. That was the only way to trap him long enough for help to arrive.

Hands shaking, she gripped the handle. Even touching it sent waves of terror coursing through her. On instinct, she yanked. Metal screeched against metal as the knife pulled out of the breastplate and she dropped it beside her.

The ties to the breastplate loosened and it fell away as she rolled onto her side.

Warm blood met her fingers as she pressed her hand over the wound and forced herself to her feet. If she didn't get onto the parapets first, Lord Campbell would be back to finish her off.

The edges of her vision dimmed as she stumbled to the stairs. Leaning her shoulder against the spiral wall, her feet slipped against the stone steps. Pounding on the door at the bottom echoed up to her and she rested her head against the wall for a moment in relief.

Sally made it.

Falling forward, Lottie pressed on until at last, she reached the door leading out to the parapets. Footsteps thumped against the stairs below her. Lord Campbell was coming!

She fell against the door, pushing it out. With a cry, she slumped onto the rough stone, the bitterly cold wind biting her cheeks. She was running out of time.

Shoving herself up onto her knees, she used her shoulder to close the door behind her. One of the small barrels of black powder and several boxes of fireworks were stacked beside the door, shielding her somewhat from the wind. A small lantern swung above them, casting ominous shadows across the parapet.

Blood soaked the front of her dress and her hands shook as she reached for the key.

"Come... on..." she begged, stretching her fingers up until they brushed against the rusted metal key.

"Lottie!" Lord Campbell's voice raged behind the door.

Fear tightened Lottie's lungs and she whimpered, pressing her back against the door. Could she hold him off? "Heaven help me," she closed her eyes as he shoved against the wood, throwing her forward.

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