Choice i: Shrine

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TW: Mentions of human experimentation, mentions of mass murder;

I slam the door and make a run for it, not bothering to check if he's gotten up. I only care about my escape.

Now that I have a bit more time, I take a few deep breaths and take a moment to look around. There's a hallway, and a door catches my eye: there's a glow coming from underneath and I decide to investigate it.

When I open the door, I see... some kind of weird shrine. I come closer and crouch down to examine it. It's got some candles around it, some napkins... and a picture of me, right in the middle of it. I shudder. When did he take this picture of me?! I look awful in it.

I get back up to examine the rest of the room. There's an old TV set, but I don't see any way of turning it on right now. On a cheap plastic table, I also see some kind of book... a diary, perhaps?

I pick it up and read through it. No, it's not a diary. It's more of a weird journal documenting some kind of experiment...

"Day 4: subject is getting increasingly agitated."

"Day 18: subject fails to respond to any verbal stimulus. slight discoloration of the skin."

"Day 22: subject refuses to eat prepared meals, will only eat what it can catch."

What the hell has Louis been doing here?
I switch off the live feed and set the remote on the table. There's some scrap paper on the table, too... he's scribbled most of the words out, but I can sort of tell that it's the many rough drafts to... an apology:

"Ayu... I'm sorry..."
"Ayumi, I sincerely..."

This area of the table is a mess... like he was frantic or even angry while writing these. I wonder if he was successful in finishing this apology.

And here's a newspaper clipping, taped to the wall. It's about... the mass murder of an entire high school? No... no, this can't be. That's... my school!

"...All students and staff at Community High School perished after an unknown assailant hacked into the security system, locking everyone inside and playing the song "Poison" over the intercom, then released a poisonous gas into the air conditioning system. There are no survivors."

Ok, I've certainly seen enough, now. Nothing here seems to be of any use for me. But just as I turn to face the door, another face surprises me.

"Oh, Jacob!" she says.

"G-Glenda?!" I gasp.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... could ask you the same thing."


She looks a little ominous, like she's about to do something. Then, suddenly, a quick flash of light shines into my eyes, temporarily blinding me.

The rest is a bit of a blur. And I mean, a literal blur. I couldn't see anything. It was like my brain was going numb. I fall down to the floor; I can still see Glenda's feet, just barely. She steps over me. What the hell is she doing? When I'm about to try getting back up, a sharp pain on the back of my head, like a heavy metal object, sends me into complete darkness.


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