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His movements were still out of his control from the liquor, medication, and fever fog that clouded his sanity. I shrieked when he nearly cut my bed in two. I slowly approached him, praying I'll get the weapon out of his hands before either one of us ends up headless or a lost limb.

"I thought you didn't know my name? That's why I was your Shaw lang and you were my Enkeli."

"It's Shouwang and I do know your name."

Still, in his medicated haze, and being distracted by my words Adrianus was a bit slow, as I quickly removed the weapon from his grasp.

"Please lay back down before you open up your stitches."

"You stitched me up like a dress?"

He started scanning his midriff and raising his arms.

"If I didn't you surely would have been dead by now."

He grumbled something under his breath, but obliged and laid on the mattress. I sat beside him on the floor as he gave me a questioning look.

"Why are you on the floor?"

I gave him a look before my eyes wandered, the bed hoping he'll get the hint. After a few seconds of silence passed  I realized making him understand in this condition was close to impossible.

"The bed does not accommodate both of us."

He seemed to finally understand before sitting up. He patted the spot beside him, as I took my seat on the mattress spot next to him as I took my seat on the mattress.

"How are you able to rest while sitting up?"

I questioned. His reply came in action as he shifted his body, slightly wincing from the pain no doubt. Unexpectedly, he plopped his large head on my tiny legs, as his brown hair flowed outward like the ocean waves.

My eyes met his own and my breath hitched in my throat at the vibrant blue colour. His large palm rose to caress my cheek, as I momentarily closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of his palm and I felt the sense of safety, a sense of belonging for the first time in a while.

My fingers ran through his long man of hair and my eyes snapped open when I heard his low sigh. I realized how intimate the moment had turned into and pulled my face from his grasp then stopped raking my fingers through his hair.

His eyes, which were still closed, lazily opened back up as his face slightly scrunched up.

"Don't stop."

He stated before grabbing my small hand in his large ones and placing my fingers through strands of his hair. He must have sensed my hesitance and sighed, a much different sigh than before.

Moments ago his sigh was one of content and pleasure, yet now it was of annoyance and maybe anger.

"It makes me go to sleep and you did want me to rest."

At those words, my hands raked his long mane. That was a reasonable excuse, as he needed to rest, but deep down I knew whether there was this excuse or not, we enjoyed this small intimate gesture.

"You know you're supposed to tell me some super-secret information just about now."

"You may be drunker than a barman, but have the memory of an elephant."

He gave a large smirk with his eyes still closed.

"Are you-"


I interrupted.

"My name is Rheya."

"Rhey-ah, Rheya, Rha-ye."

He spelled out my name, testing it on his tongue. He mumbled my name for a few moments before silence enveloped us once again.

"Rheya, it's a beautiful name that gives justice to its beautiful owner."

"Well, thank you, Adrianus."



"People I'm close with calling me Adri and as the person that saved my life, you immediately make that list."

I chuckle at his remark.

"Very well, Adri. It's an  honour being an acquaintance to the King."

"Today I'm not a King and you're not a subject. I'm your friend as you are of mine."

I smile as his eyes flutter open. His thumb caresses my bottom lips as I look at him, mystified.

"We shouldn't be this intimate."

I state, removing his hand from my lips and ready to stand up from the mattress. All the fairytales I've read as a child told me that princes marry a princess and I was far from a princess.

I might as well pull my heart out of my chest rather than fall for the forbidden King. It will lead to nothing, but heartache as he can't have me and I can't have him. Eventually, he'll have to marry a princess if not a noblewoman and I'll have to find the courage to return home.

"Why not?"

"Royalty marries royalty; it's how it has always been."

"Today I'm not royalty, I'm your friend."

"In that case, friends do not caress each other's lips."

"We didn't caress our lips yet."

He teased, as a blush bloomed under my ivory skin.

"Correction; friends do not touch their friend's lips with any body part."

"You're no fun."

He huffed out, but a lazy grin spread on his face.

"Don't stop your fingers."

He stated as I continued their motion. Silence and darkness enveloped us in a comforting blanket for a few moments. I looked down at the man laying on my lap. I flinched when I heard his raspy voice, as I believed him to be fast asleep. His voice was laced thick with somnolence, but his words were clear.

"You never told me the meaning of your nickname for me, Shouwang."

I was quiet for a moment, surprised he got it correct including the pronunciation.

"It means rugged king."

I looked down to see a calm expression take over his face and his steady breath indicating his slumber. I smiled slightly at both his face and realizing that for the first time in years, I'd uttered words from my native language.

Resting my head on the wall behind me and running my fingers through Adri's hair, I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings, never for a moment forgetting my promise of protecting his life.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter of new moments with the next couple :)

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