21:Team work.

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Chapter twenty: Team work.

        (Wei Zhan in the picture)

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        (Wei Zhan in the picture)

In the middle of the night Wang Shu summoned Wei Zhan, Mo Feng and Jiang Yun. Confused, the three entered the study and sat down waiting for Wang Shu to speak.

❝I found out about a brothel that you three need to investigate. It seems like the owner has or had bussines with Luo Tang. Infiltrate and see if you find any secret rooms, documents, letters or even something about this Luo Tang. ❞Wang Shu explained.

❝What do we know about the owner? ❞Mo Feng asked.

❝A thirty-four year old woman, has no family. She's clever so it won't be easy to sneak past her, you'll need to be careful and work together. ❞Lizhui explained and put a drawing of the owner in front of the three.

❝Can we kill? ❞Wei Zhan asked.

❝If you need to then yes.I would prefer to keep this a secret, that woman has ties with noble and powerful people so killing her may cause issues later. But if you do it, make sure no one will ever know it was you who did it. ❞Wang Shu said.

❝Alright, do we leave now? ❞Wei Zhan asked.

❝Yes. I'll wait for good news from you. ❞Wang Shu said and took his tea cup to drink.

The three bowed and left.

❝We'll need a plan. ❞Jiang Yun said and looked at the other two.

❝Easy, let's drug them all and them search everywhere. ❞Wei Zhan suggested.

❝Drug them? We can make some sleeping smoke, but wouldn't it attract unwanted attention? ❞Mo Feng asked.

❝You can create illusions, right? ❞Wei Zhan asked looking at Jiang Yun who nodded quickly.

❝How long can you keep an illusion? ❞Wei Zhan asked again.

❝Five minutes with my current power. ❞Jiang Yun replied.

❝Then you'll keep an illusion up to make it look like nothing it's happening and me and Mo Feng will search fast. ❞Wei Zhan explained.

❝What if we don't find nothing in five minutes? ❞Mo Feng asked.

❝Then I'll kill everyone that tries to disturb us and you keep searching. ❞Wei Zhan said smiling sinister.

❝Alright, we'll do this then. Let me prepare the drug, find something to cover our faces so we won't be recognized. ❞Wei Zhan said and left first giggling.

Jiang Yun and Mo Feng looked at each other wondering what Wei Zhan is planning, but decided to go on their way to find masks to cover their faces.

Wei Zhan prepared a sleeping drug that will induce horrible nightmares.

Soon the three met and left towards the brothel. Wei Zhan gave Mo Feng some sleeping bombs and sneaked in together.

Jiang Yun prepared her illusion and activated as soon as she saw smoke inside.

Everyone inside fell asleep thanks to the drug and Wei Zhan and Mo Feng went different ways to cover more territory.

Mo Feng ended in a large room that had a long table in the middle making it look a meeting room or an office.

He began searching under the table, on the floor for secret doors or compartments, then on the walls for any secret room.

❝Nothing. ❞he murmured and was ready to leave when he raised his head unintentionally and saw something weird on the ceiling.

He flew slowly towards the ceiling and noticed a square form that looked like it could be opened with a flower shaped object.

After trying to forcefully break it and failing, Mo Feng rushed to find the passed out owner.

Wei Zhan saw the running Mo Feng so he asked:

❝Have you found anything? ❞

❝Yes, but I need an object that looks like a flower to fit and open the compartiment. ❞Mo Feng explained.

❝Something like this? ❞Wei Zhan asked raising a flower looking pendant and throwing it at Mo Feng.

Mo Feng caught the pendant and ran back in the previous room.

He placed the pendant and the compartiment opened revealing a sealed box.

❝I think this is valuable. Have you found anything else? ❞Mo Feng asked inspecting the box.

❝No, I think that's the only thing here. Let's go.❞ Wei Zhan said and the two left.

❝I'm glad you made it, I can't hold the illusion anymore. ❞Jiang Yun said sighing relieved that they made it back in time.

The three left like they weren't even there to begin with.

While celebrating their success, Wei Zhan noticed a figure following them in the shadows so he threw a dagger at the strange figure.

❝Ah! ❞ the man shouted surprised as the dagger caught his sleeve and pinned him to the wall.

❝Who are you? ❞Wei Zhan asked in a harsh tone and got close to the person.

❝It's not what it looks like! I was just observing you, that's all. ❞the man said shaking under Wei Zhan's murderous gaze.

❝What for? ❞Mo Feng asked.

❝I happened to see you walking and recognized you... I was just curious...I want to speak with you, but had no courage so I ended up following you, I apologize, please don't kill me! ❞

❝How do we know you're not an enemy spy? It's better to torture you. ❞Wei Zhan said and touched his sword, ready to take it out.
Mo Feng stopped Wei Zhan and said:

❝Let's hear him out first. ❞

❝I agree... ❞Jiang Yun added.

❝Speak then. If I don't like what I'm hearing you're done for. ❞Wei Zhan said.

❝There is this official, Mao Jun and he is stealing money from commoners and smaller families like mine. My father is a new merchant, we don't have much, yet he is demanding money. ❞

❝Why haven't you said anything until now? ❞Mo Feng asked.

❝They took my mother and use her life to make us silent. He does this with everyone so he can assure we do as he says. We aren't capable to fight him and his guards, and you are the only ones who can tell his highness about this safely. ❞

The three looked at each other.

❝I don't think he's lying. ❞Jiang Yun said.

❝Tsk, you're right. Whoever this Mao Jun is I'll torture him. I wasn't able to beat anyone yet since the fight with his highness.❞ Wei Zhan complained and took back the dagger he threw at the man earlier.

❝What's your name? ❞Mo Feng asked the guy.

❝Qi Xian. ❞

❝Alright, we will solve this for you so stay safe until then. ❞Jiang Yun smiled at him and the three left.

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