Chaos 4

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I walked down the hill we lived on to the gravel road.

{Time skip}

I finally got to the store and was greeted to the cooling air of the ice machine by the entryway. The air only got pleasingly colder as I walked into the door of the small store. There wasn't too much there, just a row of beverage shelves, two rows of snacks, and a row of car appliances. It was just a small roadside stop with a feed store next to it for animals like chickens, dogs, horses, and all sorts of animals.

I looked around the store and didn't see anyone else there except the cashier. I gave a friendly wave to her as she returned the gesture with a bright smile. I would come around so often that I knew the employees names and they knew mine. We even have nicknames for each other.

I went to the snacks and got some (f/f). As I grabbed my food, I heard the sound of the bell that rings when the door is opened. I look up and see two boys, one being shorter than the other. The shorter boy looked to be 13 with blonde hair, grey eyes, and a green shirt on. The other boy looked to be sixteen with light brown hair, blue eyes, and a white hoodie. They both had pale skin and black pants on, along with black shoes.

I immediately knew who the were and couldn't help but chuckle slightly. They were talking to each other and I could make out only a few words. I took my phone out of my pocket and made sure to turn the flash off on my camera as I took a picture of them. I went to the drinks, got (f/d), and went to the checkout. I saw Ben and Jeff looking through the ice cream and debating on which ones they should get. I went up to my cashier friend and greeted her with a cheerful voice.

"Hey Sar! How's it been?"

"Sup smalls. It's been pretty good so far, how bout you?"

"Doing great. Just getting the usual."

"I see that.", she said with a chuckle.

I leaned forward slightly and whispered to her, "I'm going to pay for the two guys behind me, alright. They're friends of mine, so here."

I slid 30 dollars to her to pay for Ben and Jeff, as well as my stuff.

"You can have the extra stuff, as a tip!"

"Thanks, smalls!", she said with glee.

As I walked to the exit, I yelled out to my cashier buddy, "It's no problem. See ya later, Sarah!"

She yelled back, "See ya later, (Y/n)!"

Ben and Jeff looked up at me and I quickly darted away before they could ask questions. All according to plan. I watched them through the window as I sped away to see them rush to the counter and get their stuff.

Jeff POV

"See ya later, (Y/n)!"

Me and Ben looked up to see (Y/n) leaving the store, but I could've sworn she looked back at us. Me and Ben exchanged a quick glance before we got our ice cream and went to check it out.

I reached for my pocket to get some cash before the cashier stopped me by saying, "No worries, it's already paid for."

"What? How?", Ben questioned.

The cashier pointed to (Y/n), who was already across the street and moving quickly. Why did she pay for us?

We told the cashier thank you and rushed out to catch her.

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