Chapter 16: The Pack

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The next morning, I woke when Thann moved me to lie against the fallen log instead.

When he noticed my wakening eyes, he whispered. "Stay Night. Thann go." Then his warm hand caressed down my cheek.

"Okay," I murmured and then folded myself against the tree and closed my eyes again.

When the sun was higher in the morning sky I woke again. The sleeping bag was over me and Thann was whittling a branch to a sharp point, scanning the tree line.

"Morning," I yawned and sat up.

He looked over and smiled, putting his tools down. "Night good?"

"Sleep Thann. Yes. I slept good."

He dug through the packs and brought out a carrot and water. "Eat."

"Thanks." As I munched my breakfast I looked over as Thann resumed his carving. "Molly walk today?"

He surveyed the area rather absentmindedly and then nodded. "Molly. Walk."

Smiling, I stretched, trying to wake up ready to go. I wasn't a coffee drinker, but man, I felt like a cup to push me going now. Even after the whole day of rest I still felt like I could sleep another eight hours. I stood and started gathering supplies and tetrising them back into the wheelbarrow so we could walk more.

Thann had seemed a little preoccupied the morning so when he told me to stay and darted off into the woods, I thought nothing of it, but when it turned into two hours, I started to get worried.

Okay, and I was getting annoyed. Why did he have to keep leaving me?

I got my phone and solar charger back out and started to look through my old pictures again, smiling at the memories. I was stuck on a picture of my family, my heart filling with love and longing for them, when I heard Thann's two note exclamation from the trees.

I looked up about to go off on Thann for leaving me so long, but it was not him walking through to the camp. I jolted in surprise.

Three men, all breathtakingly handsome, similar to Thann's height and build strode together confidently. Practically naked. Barely Tarzan scraps at their manhood. Even the several open wounds each had couldn't mar their beauty. Smiles each as attractive as the sun. All dark hair and strong jaws, and as I had been looking through pictures of my family the word family was already on my tongue.

Oh my word! These were Thann's brothers!

"Hi!" I stood excited, a large smile building. "I can't believe we made it finally. Is Molly with you? Where's Thann? Did he find you?"

Their smiles mimicked mine, and the center tallest man with the finest dimples I'd ever seen, spoke with warm rich tones. It was most definitely a sexy purr. "Bhekani lokho, bafana. Simtholile umkami."

The two that flanked him gave throaty laughs.

All at once they froze midstep and the man to the left spoke pointing at my hip. "Sukumah." All gave wide spooked eyes.

Center stared for a moment and then lightened. He shook his head with a chuckle, and then restarted his striding. "Ungesabi. Akusaphili. Yisikhwama nje."

I looked down and saw nothing. Sukumah? My pouch?

I quickly placed my cell in and smiled back to them.

The other two flanked his steps.

"So, which is Mathe? And Cane? And... erm... Kayo? I think, was that Lissette's boyfriend's name? Is that right?"

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