Chapter 15

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Romeo's POV

Troy, Nathan and I were practicing at the gym, but my mind was elsewhere.

"Shit!" I exclaimed between gritted teeth as I fell down when Troy pushed me slightly to throw the ball into the basket.

"Are you okay, Romeo?" Troy asked, extending his hand towards me.

"Yes." I nodded as I got up, grabbing his hand.

"Dude, it was three times. And I don't mention how many times you missed the shots. What happened?" Nathan approached us, placing his hands on his hips with a worried expression on his face.

"I am fine. I couldn't just... sleep properly last night." I mumbled and sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Maybe, we should end the practice for today." Troy suggested.

"Good idea." Nathan agreed.

I heaved a sigh and nodded. Then I walked towards my bottle and grabbed it as I sat down on the bench.

"It was on my mind for a while. What on earth did you let Justin date Sienna?" Nathan asked Troy after sipping his water. I instantly gave him a murderous look as I understood what he was playing at.

Troy cleared his throat and replied firmly. "I understood I was wrong about intervening in my sister's love life. When a good guy wants to date her, I should let them. Otherwise, my sister could lose her heart to some playboy." I gulped, looking away as Troy glared at me.

I sighed as I stood up. "I am going home. I am tired." I lied and walked towards the changing room without waiting for them to say anything.

When I was approaching my car, I noticed Robin and Justin talking heatedly beside Robin's car.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell were these two doing together?

I bent down and tried to approach them without drawing attention. I leaned against the car, still bending and looked at them, trying to hear what they were talking about.

"I don't want any more excuses, just take that girl there as we planned. Later, do whatever you want!" Robin snapped angrily and pushed Justin roughly. Then he got in his car and drove away. Justin sighed and walked away in quick steps.

I straightened and ran my hand through my hair, thinking. There was something fishy.

Who were they talking about? Which girl?.... Sienna? No...

I gritted my teeth, clenching my fist angrily.

If they planned something to hurt Sienna, I would kill them! I swear!

I have to find out what these two pricks planned.

I slammed my hand on the hood of my car angrily and cursed under my breath. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and got in my car.


As soon as I saw Justin in front of the school, I parked my car abruptly and rushed towards him angrily. In a flash, I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the hood of his car.

"What did you and Robin plan?" I asked, keeping him still against the hood.

"Leave me alone, bastard!" He snapped furiously and tried to straighten, pushing me back.

Romeoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें